如何使用 JDBC 获取驱动的属性?
可以使用 Driver 接口的 getPropertyInfo() 方法来获取驱动的属性。
DriverPropertyInfo[] info = driver.getPropertyInfo(mysqlUrl, null);
此方法接受两个参数:代表数据库 URL 的 String 变量、Properties 类的对象,并返回 DriverPropertyInfo 对象数组,其中每个对象都包含有关当前驱动程序的可能属性的信息。
从 DriverPropertyInfo 对象中,你可以获取有关属性名称、属性值、描述、选项以及是否必需等信息,使用其字段分别为 name、value、description、choices、required。
DriverPropertyInfo[] info = driver.getPropertyInfo(mysqlUrl, null); for (int i = 0; i < info.length; i++) { System.out.println("Property name: "+info[i].name); System.out.println("Property value: "+info[i].value); System.out.println("Property description: "+info[i].description); System.out.println("Choices: "+info[i].choices); System.out.println("Is Required: "+info[i].required); System.out.println(" "); }
以下 JDBC 程序建立与 MySQL 数据库的连接,并获取当前驱动程序所需属性的名称、值、描述和选项。
import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo; public class DriverPropertyinfoExample { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String mysqlUrl = "jdbc:mysql://"; //Creating a Driver object of the MySQL database Driver driver = DriverManager.getDriver(mysqlUrl); //Registering the Driver DriverManager.registerDriver(driver); //Getting the connection Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(mysqlUrl, "root", "password"); System.out.println("Connection established: "+con); //Getting the properties of the current driver DriverPropertyInfo[] info = driver.getPropertyInfo(mysqlUrl, null); for (int i = 0; i < info.length; i++) { if(info[i].required) { System.out.print("Property name: "+info[i].name+", "); System.out.print("Property value: "+info[i].value+", "); System.out.print("Property description: "+info[i].description+", "); System.out.print("Choices: "+info[i].choices); System.out.println(" "); } } } }
Connection established: com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@6d1e7682 Property name: HOST, Property value: localhost, Property description: Hostname of MySQL Server, Choices: null Property name: user, Property value: null, Property description: Username to authenticate as, Choices: null Property name: password, Property value: null, Property description: Password to use for authentication, Choices: null