如何使用 Java 中的 Lambda 和方法引用来实现 IntToDoubleFunction?
IntToDoubleFunction 是 java.util.function 包中的一个函数接口。此函数接口接受一个**整型**参数并产生一个**双精度**结果。IntToDoubleFunction 可用作**lambda 表达式**或**方法引用**的赋值目标。它只包含一个抽象方法:applyAsDouble()。
@FunctionalInterface interface IntToDoubleFunction { double applyAsDouble(int value); }
Lambda 表达式的示例
import java.util.function.IntToDoubleFunction;; public class IntToDoubleLambdaTest { public static void main(String[] args) { IntToDoubleFunction getDouble = intVal -> { // lambda expression double doubleVal = intVal; return doubleVal; }; int input = 25; double result = getDouble.applyAsDouble(input); System.out.println("The double value is: " + result); input = 50; System.out.println("The double value is: " + getDouble.applyAsDouble(input)); input = 75; System.out.println("The double value is: " + getDouble.applyAsDouble(input)); } }
The double value is: 25.0 The double value is: 50.0 The double value is: 75.0
import java.util.function.IntToDoubleFunction; public class IntToDoubleMethodRefTest { public static void main(String[] args) { IntToDoubleFunction result = IntToDoubleMethodRefTest::convertIntToDouble; // method reference System.out.println(result.applyAsDouble(50)); System.out.println(result.applyAsDouble(100)); } static Double convertIntToDouble(int value) { return value / 10d; } }
5.0 10.0