合格公司 |
大于或等于8 |
谷歌、微软、亚马逊、戴尔、英特尔、威普罗 |
大于或等于7 |
教程点、埃森哲、印孚瑟斯、埃米康、瑞联 |
大于或等于6 |
rtCamp、赛博科技、Skybags、Killer、雷蒙德 |
大于或等于5 |
Patronics、Bata、诺贝克 |
方法1:使用if else if条件
通常,当我们需要检查多个条件时,我们会使用if else if语句。它遵循自顶向下的方法。
if(condition 1) { // code will be executed only when condition 1 is true } else if(condition 2) { // code will be executed only when condition 2 is true } else { // code will be executed when all of the above condition is false }
public class Eligible { public static void main(String[] args) { int regd = 12109659; double CGPA = 8.08; if( CGPA >= 8 ) { System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Capgemini, Dell, Intel, Wipro"); } else if(CGPA >= 7) { System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Tutorials point, accenture, Infosys, Emicon, Rellins"); } else if(CGPA >= 6) { System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: rtCamp, Cybertech, Skybags, Killer, Raymond"); } else if( CGPA >= 5 ) { System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Patronics, Bata, Nobroker"); } else { System.out.println("Improve yourself!"); } } }
12109659 is eligible for companies: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Capgemini, Dell, Intel, Wiproe
// expression and value must be of same datatype switch(expression) { case value: // code will be executed only when the expression and case value matched break; case value: // code will be executed only when the expression and case value matched break; . . . case value n: // n is required number of value default: // If none of the case matched then it will be executed }
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ int regd = 12109659; double CGPA = 6.55; int GPA = (int) CGPA; // typecasting double to integer type switch(GPA){ // here GPA = 6 case 10: case 9: case 8: System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Capgemini, Dell, Intel, Wipro"); break; case 7: System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Tutorials point, accenture, Infosys, Emicon, Rellins"); break; case 6: System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: rtCamp, Cybertech, Skybags, Killer, Raymond"); break; case 5: System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Patronics, Bata, Nobroker"); break; default: System.out.println("Improve yourself!"); } } }
12109659 is eligible for companies: rtCamp, Cybertech, Skybags, Killer, Raymond
在上面的代码中,我们再次使用了相同的变量。由于switch与double变量不兼容,因此我们已将其类型转换为名为“GPA”的整数类型变量。对于给定的“GPA”值,case 6与表达式匹配。因此,编译器执行了case 6代码。
accessSpecifier nonAccessModifier return_Type method_Name(Parameters){ //Body of the method }
访问修饰符 - 用于设置方法的可访问性。它可以是public、protected、default和private。
非访问修饰符 - 显示方法的其他功能或行为,例如static和final。
返回类型 - 方法将返回的数据类型。当方法不返回任何内容时,我们使用void关键字。
方法名称 - 方法的名称。
参数 - 包含变量名称后跟数据类型。
public class Main { public static void eligible(int regd, double CGPA){ if(CGPA >= 8){ System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Capgemini, Dell, Intel, Wipro"); } else if(CGPA >= 7){ System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Tutorials point, accenture, Infosys, Emicon, Rellins"); } else if(CGPA >= 6){ System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: rtCamp, Cybertech, Skybags, Killer, Raymond"); } else if(CGPA >= 5){ System.out.println(regd + " is eligible for companies: Patronics, Bata, Nobroker"); } else { System.out.println("Improve yourself!"); } } public static void main(String[] args){ eligible(12109659, 7.89); } }
12109659 is eligible for companies: Tutorials point, accenture, Infosys, Emicon, Rellins
在本文中,我们讨论了三种方法来编写Java程序,以检查TPP学生的面试资格。我们已经了解了if else if条件和switch语句的使用。我们还为给定的问题创建了一个用户定义的方法。