二进制字面量是用二进制数字(0和1)表示的数字。 byte、int、long和short等数据类型的值可以很容易地用二进制数表示。
下面的程序显示一个byte类型变量的值,该变量被赋予了二进制字面量的值。 创建一个名为BinaryLiteral1的类,其中声明并赋值了2个byte类型变量的二进制字面量值,并显示这些值。
public class BinaryLiteral1 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Binary literal in a byte type byte bt1 = 0b1001; // Using upper case 0b byte bt2 = 0B1001; // Using lower case 0B System.out.println("Illustrating the usage of Binary Literal in Byte data type"); System.out.println("Value of variable bt1 = "+bt1); System.out.println("Value of variable bt2 = "+bt2); } }
Illustrating the usage of Binary Literal in Byte data type Value of variable bt1 = 9 Value of variable bt2 = 9
下面的程序显示一个short类型变量的值,该变量被赋予了二进制字面量的值。 创建一个名为BinaryLiteral2的类,其中声明并赋值了2个short类型变量的二进制字面量值,并显示这些值。
public class BinaryLiteral2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Binary literal in short type short n1 = 0b1001; // Using upper case b0 short n2 = 0B1001; // Using lower case B0 System.out.println("Illustrating the usage of Binary Literal in short data type"); System.out.println("The value of variable n1 = "+n1); System.out.println("The value of variable n2 = "+n2); } }
Illustrating the usage of Binary Literal in short data type The value of variable n1 = 9 The value of variable n2 = 9
下面的程序显示一个int类型变量的值,该变量被赋予了二进制字面量的值。 创建一个名为BinaryLiteral3的类,其中声明并赋值了2个int类型变量的二进制字面量值,并显示这些值。
public class BinaryLiteral3 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Binary literal in int type int n1 = 0b1001; // Usage of upper case b int n2 = 0B1001; // Usage of lower-case B System.out.println("Illustrating the usage of Binary Literal in int data type"); System.out.println("The value of variable st1 = "+n1); System.out.println("The value of variable st2 = "+n2); } }
Illustrating the usage of Binary Literal in int data type The value of variable st1 = 9 The value of variable st2 = 9
下面的程序显示一个long类型变量的值,该变量被赋予了二进制字面量的值。 创建一个名为BinaryLiteral4的类,其中声明并赋值了2个long类型变量的二进制字面量值,并显示这些值。
public class BinaryLiteral4 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Binary literal in long type long n1 = 0b1001; // Using upper case b0 long n2 = 0B1001; // Using lower case B0 System.out.println("Illustrating the usage of Binary Literal in long data type"); System.out.println("The value of variable n1 = "+n1); System.out.println("The value of variable n2 = "+n2); } }
Illustrating the usage of Binary Literal in long data type The value of variable n1 = 9 The value of variable n2 = 9
下面的Java程序演示了如何在二进制字面量上执行数学运算。 创建一个名为BinaryLiteral5的类,其中对正负二进制字面量执行不同的数学运算。
public class BinaryLiterals5 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Declaring a decimal value byte n1 = 26; // Declaring a positive binary literal byte n2 = 0b1001; // Declaring a negative binary literal byte n3 = -0b1001; // Declaring a negative binary literal Using an underscore byte n4 = -0b1001_0; // Declaring a positive binary literal using an underscore byte n5 = 0b1001_00; // Declaring a positive binary literal using an underscore byte n6 = 0b101_00; //displaying the values of above declared variables System.out.println(" The value of variable n1 = "+n1); System.out.println("The value of variable n2 = "+n2); System.out.println("The value of variable n3 = "+n3); System.out.println("The value of variable n4 = "+n4); System.out.println("The value of variable n5 = "+n5); System.out.println("The value of variable n6 = "+n6); // Check if the binary values present in n2 and n3 are equal System.out.println(" Are the values of n2 and n3 same: "+(n2 == n3)); // Performing mathematical operations on binary values System.out.println("n2 + 1 = "+(n2 + 1)); System.out.println("n2 - 1 = "+(n2 - 1)); System.out.println("n3 * 2 = "+(n3 * 2)); System.out.println("n3 / 2 = "+(n5 / n4)); System.out.println("n5 - n6 = "+(n5 - n6)); } }
The value of variable n1 = 26 The value of variable n2 = 9 The value of variable n3 = -9 The value of variable n4 = -18 The value of variable n5 = 36 The value of variable n6 = 20 Are the values of n2 and n3 same: false n2 + 1 = 10 n2 - 1 = 8 n3 * 2 = -18 n3 / 2 = -2 n5 - n6 = 16
本文阐述了二进制字面量的用法。 本文讨论了分别用二进制字面量显示byte、short、int和long数据类型值的程序。 此外,本文还讨论了如何对二进制字面量执行不同数学运算的实现。