在这篇文章中,我们将了解如何在Java中打印星形帕斯卡三角形。帕斯卡三角形是使用多个for循环和print语句生成的。三角形外的所有值都被认为是零(0)。第一行是0 1 0,而只有1占据帕斯卡三角形中的一个空格,0是不可见的。第二行是通过添加(0+1)和(1+0)得到的。输出夹在两个零之间。这个过程持续到达到所需的级别。
Enter the number of rows in Pascal's Triangle : 8
Enter the number of rows in Pascal's Triangle : 8 The Pascal's Triangle : 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
- 从java.util包导入Scanner类。
- 我们将定义方法并计算数字的阶乘,并将计算二项式系数。
- 创建Scanner对象以获取用户输入,并将使用nextInt()获取行数。
- 使用嵌套循环生成帕斯卡三角形,以动态地格式化和计算值。
import java.util.Scanner; public class PascalsTriangle { static int factorial(int my_input) { int factors; for(factors = 1; my_input > 1; my_input--){ factors *= my_input; } return factors; } static int combination(int my_input,int r) { return factorial(my_input) / ( factorial(my_input-r) * factorial(r) ); } public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(); int my_input, i, j; my_input = 5; System.out.println("Required packages have been imported"); Scanner my_scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.println("A reader object has been defined "); System.out.print("Enter the number of rows in Pascal's Triangle : "); my_input = my_scanner.nextInt(); System.out.println("The Pascal's Triangle : "); for(i = 0; i <= my_input; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= my_input-i; j++){ System.out.print(" "); } for(j = 0; j <= i; j++){ System.out.print(" "+combination(i, j)); } System.out.println(); } } }
Required packages have been imported A reader object has been defined Enter the number of rows in Pascal's Triangle : 8 The Pascal's Triangle : 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
- 定义用于计算的阶乘和组合方法。
- 直接在代码中设置行数。
- 使用嵌套循环打印帕斯卡三角形,以使用预定义的行格式化和计算值。
public class PascalsTriangle { static int factorial(int my_input) { int factors; for(factors = 1; my_input > 1; my_input--){ factors *= my_input; } return factors; } static int combination(int my_input,int r) { return factorial(my_input) / ( factorial(my_input-r) * factorial(r) ); } public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(); int my_input, i, j; my_input = 8; System.out.println("The number of rows in Pascal's Triangle is defined as " +my_input); System.out.println("The Pascal's Triangle : "); for(i = 0; i <= my_input; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= my_input-i; j++){ System.out.print(" "); } for(j = 0; j <= i; j++){ System.out.print(" "+combination(i, j)); } System.out.println(); } } }
The number of rows in Pascal's Triangle is defined as 8 The Pascal's Triangle : 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1