单利 - 对总本金的百分比利息。与复利相比,收益较低。
复利 - 对本金和累积利息收取的百分比利息。利率高于单利。
Principal = 25000.0 Annual Rate of Interest = 10.0 Time (years) = 4.0
Simple Interest: 10000.0 Compound Interest: 11602.500000000007
步骤 1 - 开始
步骤 2 - 声明 5 个整数:principalAmount(本金)、interestRate(利率)、timePeriod(期限)、simpleInterest(单利)和 compoundInterest(复利)
步骤 3 - 计算 (p * r * t)/100
步骤 4 - 计算 p * Math.pow(1.0+r/100.0,t) - p;
步骤 5 - 将步骤 4 的输出存储到 simpleInterest 中
步骤 6 - 将步骤 5 的输出存储到 compoundInterest 中
步骤 7 - 显示 simpleInterest
步骤 8 - 显示 compoundInterest
步骤 9 - 结束
示例 1
val principalAmount = 10000
val interestRate = 5 println("The rate of interest is defined as: $interestRate %") val timePeriod = 2 println("The time period is defined as: $timePeriod years")
val simpleInterest = (principalAmount*interestRate*timePeriod)/100 println("
Simple Interest is: $simpleInterest") val compoundInterest = principalAmount.toDouble() * Math.pow((1 + interestRate.toDouble()/100.00),timePeriod.toDouble()) - principalAmount println("
Compound Interest is : $compoundInterest")
fun main() { val principalAmount = 10000 println("Principal amount is defined as: $principalAmount") val interestRate = 5 println("The rate of interest is defined as: $interestRate %") val timePeriod = 2 println("The time period is defined as: $timePeriod years") val simpleInterest = (principalAmount*interestRate*timePeriod)/100 println("
Simple Interest is: $simpleInterest") val compoundInterest = principalAmount.toDouble() * Math.pow((1 + interestRate.toDouble()/100.00),timePeriod.toDouble()) - principalAmount println("
Compound Interest is : $compoundInterest") }
Principal amount is defined as: 10000 The rate of interest is defined as: 5 % The time period is defined as: 2 years Simple Interest is: 1000 Compound Interest is: 1025.0
示例 2
fun main() { val principalAmount = 10000 println("Principal amount is defined as: $principalAmount") val interestRate = 5 println("The rate of interest is defined as: $interestRate %") val timePeriod = 3 println("The time period is defined as: $timePeriod years") getInterest(principalAmount, interestRate, timePeriod) } fun getInterest(principalAmount: Int, interestRate: Int, timePeriod: Int) { val simpleInterest = (principalAmount*interestRate*timePeriod)/100 println("
Simple Interest is: $simpleInterest") val compoundInterest = principalAmount.toDouble() * Math.pow((1 + interestRate.toDouble()/100.00),timePeriod.toDouble()) - principalAmount println("
Compound Interest is: $compoundInterest") }
Principal amount is defined as: 10000 The rate of interest is defined as: 5 % The time period is defined as: 3 years Simple Interest is: 1500 Compound Interest is: 1576.2500000000018