问题陈述 − 我们给定一个包含3个字符的字符串 str,其长度等于 N。并且字符串是循环的。我们还给定一个起始字符和目标字符。我们需要找到循环字符串中从起始字符到其最近目标字符的最大距离。
str = "pqqrr"; initial = 'r', final = 'p';
如果我们取 str[3],最近的目标字符是 str[0]。所以,循环距离是 2。
如果我们取 str[4],最近的目标字符是 str[0]。所以,距离是 1。
str = "pqrpqqppr"; initial = 'p', final = 'r';
对于 str[0],到最近的目标字符的距离是 2。
对于 str[3],到最近的 ‘r’ 的距离是 5。
对于 str[6],到最近的 ‘r’ 的距离是 2。
对于 str[7],到最近的 ‘r’ 的距离是 1。
最大距离是 5。
str = "pqr"; initial = 'r', final = 'q';
最近的 ‘q’ 到 r 的循环距离是 2。
方法 1
步骤 1 − 用 0 初始化 ‘maxDist’ 变量以存储最大距离。
步骤 2 − 如果起始字符和目标字符相同,则返回 0。
步骤 3 − 开始遍历字符串。如果当前字符等于 ‘起始’ 字符,我们需要找到下一个最近的 ‘目标’ 字符。
步骤 3.1 − 使用 while 循环直到 str[q % str_len] 不等于 ‘目标’ 字符。这里,q % str_len 帮助我们循环找到最近的目标字符。并且在每次迭代中递增 ‘q’ 的值。
步骤 3.2 − 如果 ‘maxDist’ 变量的值小于 q – p,则更新 ‘maxDist’。
步骤 4 − 返回 maxDist 值。
以下是上述方法的程序 −
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> // Function to calculate maximum distance between initial and final characters int maximumDistance(char str[], char initial, char final) { int str_len = strlen(str); int maxDist = 0; // Base case: If initial and final characters are the same, return 0 if (initial == final) { return 0; } // Iterate through the string to find the maximum distance for (int p = 0; p < str_len; p++) { if (str[p] == initial) { int q = p + 1; // Use a while loop to find the next occurrence of the final character while (str[q % str_len] != final) { q++; } // Update maxDist with the maximum distance found maxDist = (q - p) > maxDist ? (q - p) : maxDist; } } return maxDist; } int main() { char str[] = "pqqrr"; char initial = 'r', final = 'p'; // Call the function and print the result printf("The maximum distance between the initial and final character is %d\n", maximumDistance(str, initial, final)); return 0; }
The maximum distance between the initial and final character is 2
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int maximumDistance(string str, char initial, char final) { // String length int str_len = str.size(); int maxDist = 0; // Base case if (initial == final) { return 0; } // Find maximum distance for (int p = 0; p < str_len; p++) { if (str[p] == initial) { // Finding the next final character in the cyclic string int q = p + 1; while (str[q % str_len] != final) { q++; } // Take the maximum distance maxDist = max(maxDist, q - p); } } // Final output return maxDist; } int main() { string str = "pqqrr"; char initial = 'r', final = 'p'; cout << "The maximum distance between the initial and final character is " << maximumDistance(str, initial, final); return 0; }
The maximum distance between the initial and final character is 2
public class Main { public static int maximumDistance(String str, char initial, char finalChar) { int strLen = str.length(); int maxDist = 0; // Base case: If initial and final characters are the same, return 0 if (initial == finalChar) { return 0; } // Iterate through the string to find the maximum distance for (int p = 0; p < strLen; p++) { if (str.charAt(p) == initial) { int q = p + 1; // Use a while loop to find the next occurrence of the final character while (str.charAt(q % strLen) != finalChar) { q++; } // Update maxDist with the maximum distance found maxDist = Math.max(maxDist, q - p); } } return maxDist; } public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "pqqrr"; char initial = 'r'; char finalChar = 'p'; // Call the function and print the result System.out.println("The maximum distance between the initial and final character is " + maximumDistance(str, initial, finalChar)); } }
The maximum distance between the initial and final character is 2
def maximum_distance(string, initial, final, initistr_len=None): max_dist = 0 # Base case: If initial and final characters are the same, return 0 if initial == final: return 0 # Calculate the length of the string str_len = len(string) # Iterate through the string to find the maximum distance for p in range(str_len): if string[p] == initial: q = p + 1 # Use a while loop to find the next occurrence of the final character while string[q % str_len] != final: q += 1 # Update max_dist with the maximum distance found max_dist = max(max_dist, q - p) return max_dist string = "pqqrr" initial = 'r' final = 'p' # Call the function and print the result print("The maximum distance between the initial and final character is", maximum_distance(string, initial, final))
The maximum distance between the initial and final character is 2
时间复杂度 – O(N8N),因为我们在遍历字符串时找到下一个最近的目标字符。
空间复杂度 – O(1),因为我们没有使用任何动态空间。
方法 2
在这种方法中,我们将字符串与其自身连接起来。之后,我们将从最后开始遍历它,并跟踪最后一个目标字符的索引。当我们在字符串中找到 ‘起始’ 字符时,我们取索引差来获得距离,如果当前距离大于最大距离,则更新最大距离。
步骤 1 − 将 ‘str’ 字符串与其自身连接起来。
步骤 2 − 用 0 初始化 ‘maxDist’ 和 -1 初始化 ‘f_index’ 以存储最后一个目标字符的索引。
步骤 3 − 如果起始字符和目标字符相同,则返回 0。
步骤 4 − 反向遍历 str 字符串。
步骤 5 − 如果当前字符等于起始字符,并且 f_index 不等于 -1,则用 max(maxDist, f_index - p) 值更新 maxDist。
步骤 6 − 否则,将 ‘p’ 值赋给 ‘f_index’。
步骤 7 − 最后,返回 ‘maxDist’ 变量的值。
以下是上述方法的程序 −
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> // Function to calculate maximum distance between initial and final characters int maximumDistance(char str[], char initial, char final) { // String length int str_len = strlen(str); // Allocate space for the concatenated string (twice the length of the input string) char combinedStr[2 * str_len + 1]; // +1 for the null terminator // Copy the string to itself strcpy(combinedStr, str); strcat(combinedStr, str); int maxDist = 0, f_index = -1; // Base case: If initial and final characters are the same, return 0 if (initial == final) { return 0; } // Traverse the concatenated string for (int p = 2 * str_len - 1; p >= 0; p--) { // If the current character is an initial character, update the distance if (combinedStr[p] == initial && f_index != -1) { maxDist = (f_index - p) > maxDist ? (f_index - p) : maxDist; } // Update the index of the final character if (combinedStr[p] == final) { f_index = p; } } // Final output return maxDist; } int main() { char str[] = "pqqrr"; char initial = 'r', final = 'p'; printf("The maximum distance between the initial and final character is %d\n", maximumDistance(str, initial, final)); return 0; }
The maximum distance between the initial and final character is 2
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int maximumDistance(string str, char initial, char final) { // String length int str_len = str.size(); // To find the next occurrence of a final character in the cyclic string str += str; int maxDist = 0, f_index = -1; // Base case if (initial == final) { return 0; } // Traverse the string for (int p = 2 * str_len - 1; p >= 0; p--) { // If the current character is an initial character, update the distance if (str[p] == initial && f_index != -1) { maxDist = max(maxDist, f_index - p); } // Update the index of the final character if (str[p] == final) { f_index = p; } } // Final output return maxDist; } int main() { string str = "pqqrr"; char initial = 'r', final = 'p'; cout << "The maximum distance between the initial and final character is " << maximumDistance(str, initial, final); return 0; }
The maximum distance between the initial and final character is 2
public class Main { public static int maximumDistance(String str, char initial, char finalChar) { // String length int strLen = str.length(); // To find the next occurrence of a final character in the cyclic string str += str; // Concatenate the string to itself int maxDist = 0; int fIndex = -1; // Base case: If initial and final characters are the same, return 0 if (initial == finalChar) { return 0; } // Traverse the string in reverse order for (int p = 2 * strLen - 1; p >= 0; p--) { // If the current character is an initial character, update the distance if (str.charAt(p) == initial && fIndex != -1) { maxDist = Math.max(fIndex - p, maxDist); } // Update the index of the final character if (str.charAt(p) == finalChar) { fIndex = p; } } // Final output return maxDist; } public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "pqqrr"; char initial = 'r'; char finalChar = 'p'; System.out.println("The maximum distance between the initial and final character is " + maximumDistance(str, initial, finalChar)); } }
The maximum distance between the initial and final character is 2
def maximum_distance(string, initial, final): # String length str_len = len(string) # To find the next occurrence of a final character in the cyclic string string += string # Concatenate the string to itself max_dist = 0 f_index = -1 # Base case: If initial and final characters are the same, return 0 if initial == final: return 0 # Traverse the string in reverse order for p in range(2 * str_len - 1, -1, -1): # If the current character is an initial character, update the distance if string[p] == initial and f_index != -1: max_dist = max(f_index - p, max_dist) # Update the index of the final character if string[p] == final: f_index = p # Final output return max_dist string = "pqqrr" initial = 'r' final = 'p' print("The maximum distance between the initial and final character is", maximum_distance(string, initial, final))
The maximum distance between the initial and final character is 2
时间复杂度 – O(N),用于遍历字符串。
空间复杂度 – O(N),因为我们将字符串追加到自身。