Node.js – util.debuglog() 方法
util.debuglog() 方法创建一个函数,该函数可用于将所需的错误/调试消息写入 stderr。只有在存在 NODE_DEBUG 环境变量时,才写入这些错误消息。
util.debuglog(section, [callback])
参数如下文所述 −
section − 此参数采用创建调试日志的应用程序部分。
callback − 这是将接收执行方法期间发生任何错误的指针的回调函数。
示例 1
创建一个名为 "debuglog.js" 的文件并复制以下代码片段 -
// util.debuglog() demo example // Importing the util module const util = require('util'); const debugLog = util.debuglog('application#1'); // Use debuglog() method debugLog('Welcome to Tutorials Point'); let debug = util.debuglog('application#2', (debuging) => { // Replace with a logging function // that optimizes out a = "new Value"; // Testing if the section is enabled debug = debuging; }); // prints the debuglog function console.log(util.inspect(debug, showHidden = true, compact = true)); // logs app * debug(); debug('Hello User #[%d]', 2);
使用以下命令在调试模式下运行上述应用程序 -
NODE_DEBUG=application* node debuglog.js
ode>> NODE_DEBUG=application* node debuglog.js APPLICATION#1 337356: Welcome to Tutorials Point { [Function: debug] [length]: 0, [name]: 'debug', [prototype]: debug { [constructor]: [Circular] } } APPLICATION#2 337356: APPLICATION#2 337356: Hello User #[2]
示例 2
让我们再看一个示例 -
// util.debuglog() demo example // Importing the util module const util = require('util'); const debuglog = util.debuglog('application'); debuglog('Hello [%s], - From Tutorials Point', 'user'); const generalLog = util.debuglog('app-'); const timerLog = util.debuglog('appl'); const delay = 200; // Printing the log for 'app-' generalLog('Exiting app-'); console.log("Waiting for Timer Log to get executed") // Timer will run after 200 ms setTimeout(() => { timerLog('Timer is fired after %d ', delay); }, delay);
ode>> NODE_DEBUG=application* node debuglog.js APPLICATION 338111: Hello [user], - From Tutorials Point APP- 338111: Exiting appWaiting for Timer Log to get executed APPL 338111: Timer is fired after 200