(b) The addition of hydrogen to a substance is called _______  whereas removal of hydrogen is called ________.(c) Anti-oxidants are often added to fat containing food to prevent _________ due to oxidation."">

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:(a) The addition of oxygen to a substance is called _______  whereas removal of oxygen is called ________.(b) The addition of hydrogen to a substance is called _______  whereas removal of hydrogen is called ________.(c) Anti-oxidants are often added to fat containing food to prevent _________ due to oxidation."

(a) The addition of oxygen to a substance is called oxidation whereas removal of oxygen is called reduction.

(b) The addition of hydrogen to a substance is called reduction whereas removal of hydrogen is called oxidation.

(c) Anti-oxidants are often added to fat containing food to prevent rancidity due to oxidation.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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