- 具有最高优先级的数据或元素将优先于具有最低优先级的数据或元素执行。
- 如果两个元素具有相同的优先级,则它们将按照添加到列表中的顺序执行。
- 数据 - 它将存储整数值。
- 下一个地址 - 它将存储下一个节点的地址。
- 上一个地址 - 它将存储上一个节点的地址。
- 优先级 - 它将存储优先级,这是一个整数值。它的范围可以是0-10,其中0表示最高优先级,10表示最低优先级。
Start Step 1-> Declare a struct Node Declare info, priority Declare struct Node *prev, *next Step 2-> In function push(Node** fr, Node** rr, int n, int p) Set Node* news = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)) Set news->info = n Set news->priority = p If *fr == NULL then, Set *fr = news Set *rr = news Set news->next = NULL Else If p <= (*fr)->priority then, Set news->next = *fr Set (*fr)->prev = news->next Set *fr = news Else If p > (*rr)->priority then, Set news->next = NULL Set (*rr)->next = news Set news->prev = (*rr)->next Set *rr = news Else Set Node* start = (*fr)->next Loop While start->priority > p Set start = start->next Set (start->prev)->next = news Set news->next = start->prev Set news->prev = (start->prev)->next Set start->prev = news->next Step 3-> In function int peek(Node *fr) Return fr->info Step 4-> In function bool isEmpty(Node *fr) Return (fr == NULL) Step 5-> In function int pop(Node** fr, Node** rr) Set Node* temp = *fr Set res = temp->info Set (*fr) = (*fr)->next free(temp) If *fr == NULL then, *rr = NULL Return res Step 6-> In function int main() Declare and assign Node *front = NULL, *rear = NULL Call function push(&front, &rear, 4, 3) Call function push(&front, &rear, 3, 2) Call function push(&front, &rear, 5, 2) Call function push(&front, &rear, 5, 7) Call function push(&front, &rear, 2, 6) Call function push(&front, &rear, 1, 4) Print the results obtained from calling the function pop(&front, &rear) Print the results obtained from calling the function peek(front) Stop
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //doubly linked list node struct Node { int info; int priority; struct Node *prev, *next; }; //inserting a new Node void push(Node** fr, Node** rr, int n, int p) { Node* news = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); news->info = n; news->priority = p; // if the linked list is empty if (*fr == NULL) { *fr = news; *rr = news; news->next = NULL; } else { // If p is less than or equal front // node's priority, then insert the node // at front. if (p <= (*fr)->priority) { news->next = *fr; (*fr)->prev = news->next; *fr = news; } else if (p > (*rr)->priority) { news->next = NULL; (*rr)->next = news; news->prev = (*rr)->next; *rr = news; } else { // Finding the position where we need to // insert the new node. Node* start = (*fr)->next; while (start->priority > p) start = start->next; (start->prev)->next = news; news->next = start->prev; news->prev = (start->prev)->next; start->prev = news->next; } } } //the last value int peek(Node *fr) { return fr->info; } bool isEmpty(Node *fr) { return (fr == NULL); } int pop(Node** fr, Node** rr) { Node* temp = *fr; int res = temp->info; (*fr) = (*fr)->next; free(temp); if (*fr == NULL) *rr = NULL; return res; } // main function int main() { Node *front = NULL, *rear = NULL; push(&front, &rear, 4, 3); push(&front, &rear, 3, 2); push(&front, &rear, 5, 2); push(&front, &rear, 5, 7); push(&front, &rear, 2, 6); push(&front, &rear, 1, 4); printf("%d\n", pop(&front, &rear)); printf("%d\n", peek(front)); return 0; }
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