C++中O(log n)时间复杂度的复数幂运算程序
复数是可以写成a + bi形式的数,其中a和b是实数,i是方程的解,或者我们可以说是一个虚数。所以,简单地说,我们可以说复数是实数和虚数的组合。
(a+bi) (c+di)=( ac−bd )+(ad+bc )i
(2+3 i)5=(2+3 i)(2+3i)(2+3 i)(2+3 i)(2+3i)
Input: x[0] = 10, x[1] = 11 /*Where x[0] is the first real number and 11 is the second real number*/ n = 4 Output: -47959 + i(9240) Input: x[0] = 2, x[1] =3 n = 5 Output: 122 + i(597)
所以,这个问题可以使用迭代方法很容易地解决,但复杂度将是O(n),但是我们必须在O(log n)时间内解决这个问题。为此,我们可以:
- 首先以数组的形式输入。
- 在Power函数中计算x^n
- 检查n是否为1,如果是,则返回x
- 递归调用power函数,传入x和n/2,并将结果存储在一个变量sq中。
- 检查n除以2是否余数为0;如果是,则返回cmul(sq, sq)的结果。
- 检查n除以2是否余数不为0;如果是,则返回cmul(x, cmul(sq, sq))的结果。
- 在cmul()函数中。
- 检查如果x1 = a+bi且x2 = x+di,则x1 * x2 = (a*c–b*d)+(b*c+d*a)i。
- 返回并打印得到的结果。
Start Step 1-> declare function to calculate the product of two complex numbers long long* complex(long long* part1, long long* part2) Declare long long* ans = new long long[2] Set ans[0] = (part1[0] * part2[0]) - (part1[1] * part2[1]) Se ans[1] = (part1[1] * part2[0]) + part1[0] * part2[1] return ans Step 2-> declare function to return the complex number raised to the power n long long* power(long long* x, long long n) Declare long long* temp = new long long[2] IF n = 0 Set temp[0] = 0 Set temp[1] = 0 return temp End IF n = 1 return x End Declare long long* part = power(x, n / 2) IF n % 2 = 0 return complex(part, part) End return complex(x, complex(part, part)) Step 3 -> In main() Declare int n Declare and set long long* x = new long long[2] Set x[0] = 10 Set x[1] = -11 Set n = 4 Call long long* a = power(x, n) Stop
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //calculate product of two complex numbers long long* complex(long long* part1, long long* part2) { long long* ans = new long long[2]; ans[0] = (part1[0] * part2[0]) - (part1[1] * part2[1]); ans[1] = (part1[1] * part2[0]) + part1[0] * part2[1]; return ans; } // Function to return the complex number raised to the power n long long* power(long long* x, long long n) { long long* temp = new long long[2]; if (n == 0) { temp[0] = 0; temp[1] = 0; return temp; } if (n == 1) return x; long long* part = power(x, n / 2); if (n % 2 == 0) return complex(part, part); return complex(x, complex(part, part)); } int main() { int n; long long* x = new long long[2]; x[0] = 10; x[1] = -11; n = 4; long long* a = power(x, n); cout << a[0] << " + i ( " << a[1] << " )" << endl; return 0; }
power of complex number in O(Log n) : -47959 + i ( 9240 )