用 C 判断给定年份是否是闰年的程序

闰年有 366 天,而普通年份有 365 天,这项任务是通过程序检查指定的年份是否是闰年。

判断方法是检查年份是否能被 400 或 4 整除,但如果数字不能被这两个数字之一整除,那么它将是普通年。


Input-: year=2000
Output-: 2000 is a Leap Year

Input-: year=101
Output-: 101 is not a Leap year


Step 1 -> declare function bool to check if year if a leap year or not
bool check(int year)
   IF year % 400 = 0 || year%4 = 0
      return true
      return false
Step 2 -> In main()
   Declare variable as int year = 2000
   Set check(year)? printf("%d is a Leap Year",year): printf("%d is not a Leap Year",year)
   Set year = 10
   Set check(year)? printf("%d is a Leap Year",year): printf("
%d is not a Leap Year",year); Stop


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//bool to check if year if a leap year or not
bool check(int year){
   // If a year is multiple of 400 or multiple of 4 then it is a leap year
   if (year % 400 == 0 || year%4 == 0)
      return true;
      return false;
int main(){
   int year = 2000;
   check(year)? printf("%d is a Leap Year",year): printf("%d is not a Leap Year",year);
   year = 101;
   check(year)? printf("%d is a Leap Year",year): printf("
%d is not a Leap Year",year);    return 0; }


2000 is a Leap Year
101 is not a Leap Year

更新于: 2019 年 9 月 23 日

534 次浏览


