Python - 检查给定单词是否一起出现在句子列表中
使用 append 和 for 循环
我们使用带有 in 条件的 for 循环来检查单词在句子列表中的存在情况。然后我们使用 len 函数来检查我们是否已到达列表的末尾。
list_sen = ['Eggs on Sunday', 'Fruits on Monday', 'Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday'] list_wrd = ['Eggs', 'Fruits'] print("Given list of sentences: \n",list_sen) print("Given list of words: \n",list_wrd) res = [] for x in list_sen: k = [w for w in list_wrd if w in x] if (len(k) == len(list_wrd)): res.append(x) print(res)
Given list of sentences: ['Eggs on Sunday', 'Fruits on Monday', 'Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday'] Given list of words: ['Eggs', 'Fruits'] ['Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday']
使用 all
在这里,我们设计了一个 for 循环来检查单词是否出现在包含句子的列表中,然后应用 all 函数来验证所有单词确实都出现在句子中。
list_sen = ['Eggs on Sunday', 'Fruits on Monday', 'Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday'] list_wrd = ['Eggs', 'Fruits'] print("Given list of sentences: \n",list_sen) print("Given list of words: \n",list_wrd) res = [all([k in s for k in list_wrd]) for s in list_sen] print("\nThe sentence containing the words:") print([list_sen[i] for i in range(0, len(res)) if res[i]])
Given list of sentences: ['Eggs on Sunday', 'Fruits on Monday', 'Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday'] Given list of words: ['Eggs', 'Fruits'] The sentence containing the words: ['Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday']
使用 lambda 和 map
我们可以采用与上述类似的方法,但使用 lambda 和 map 函数。我们还使用 split 函数并检查所有给定单词在包含句子的列表中的可用性。map 函数用于再次将此逻辑应用于列表的每个元素。
list_sen = ['Eggs on Sunday', 'Fruits on Monday', 'Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday'] list_wrd = ['Eggs', 'Fruits'] print("Given list of sentences: \n",list_sen) print("Given list of words: \n",list_wrd) res = list(map(lambda i: all(map(lambda j:j in i.split(), list_wrd)), list_sen)) print("\nThe sentence containing the words:") print([list_sen[i] for i in range(0, len(res)) if res[i]])
Given list of sentences: ['Eggs on Sunday', 'Fruits on Monday', 'Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday'] Given list of words: ['Eggs', 'Fruits'] The sentence containing the words: ['Eggs and Fruits on Wednesday']