用 JavaScript 正则表达式替换逗号?
假设以下字符串带有逗号 −
"My Favorite subject is," "My Favorite subject is, and teacher name is Adam Smith" "My Favorite subject is, and got the marks 89"
若要替换逗号,请使用 replace,并在其中使用正则表达式。下面是该代码 −
const makingRegularExpression = /,(?=[^,]*$)/; replaceComma("My Favorite subject is,"); replaceComma("My Favorite subject is, and teacher name is Adam Smith"); replaceComma("My Favorite subject is, and got the marks 89"); function replaceComma(values){ console.log(values, " ==== replaced by JavaScript ==== ", values.replace(ma kingRegularExpression, " JavaScript")); }
若要运行上述程序,你需要使用以下命令 −
node fileName.js.
这里,我的文件名是 demo164.js。
这将产生如下输出 −
PS C:\Users\Amit\javascript-code> node demo164.js My Favorite subject is, ==== replaced by JavaScript ==== My Favorite sub ject is JavaScript My Favorite subject is, and teacher name is Adam Smith ==== replaced by JavaScript ==== My Favorite subject is JavaScript and teacher name is Ad am Smith My Favorite subject is, and got the marks 89 ==== replaced by JavaScript ==== My Favorite subject is JavaScript and got the marks 89