为指定的 Tkinter 输入小组件设定焦点
Tkinter 有很多通用的方法,可以为小组件和元素添加功能。为了将焦点设定在特定的窗口小部件上,我们有 focus_set() 方法,该方法用于在一个应用程序中存在的窗口小部件组中框定一个特定的窗口小部件。
在这个例子里,我们在 0-9 的范围内创建了数字键。我们已经设置焦点到数字键“2”。
#Import the required libraries from tkinter import * import webbrowser #Create an instance of tkinter frame win = Tk() win.geometry("750x400") #Define function for different operations def close(): win.destroy() #Create a Label widget text=Label(win, text="", font=('Helvetica bold ',25)) text.place(x= 110, y= 50,) #Create Button widgets b1=Button(win, text= "1") b1.place(x=220, y=20) b2=Button(win, text= "2") b2.place(x=250, y=20) b3=Button(win, text= "3") b3.place(x=280, y=20) b4=Button(win, text= "4") b4.place(x=220, y=50) b5=Button(win, text= "5") b5.place(x=250, y=50) b6=Button(win, text= "6") b6.place(x=280, y=50) b7=Button(win, text= "7") b7.place(x=280, y=80) b8=Button(win, text= "8") b8.place(x=250, y=80) b9=Button(win, text= "9") b9.place(x=280, y=80) b0=Button(win, text= "0") b0.place(x=220, y=80) #Set the focus on button b1 b2.focus_set() b2=Button(win, text= "Close", command= close) b2.place(x=240,y= 140) win.mainloop()
要改变窗口小部件的焦点,只需要在你想要设定焦点的小部件上添加 focus_set.() 方法。