了解 npm - Node 模块系统
我们来看看如何在 node.js 中使用模块系统
我们有 App.js −
const http = require('http'); const fs = require('fs'); const server = http.createServer((req, res)=>{ const url = req.url; if(url === '/'){ res.write('<html>'); res.write('<head> <title> Hello TutorialsPoint </title> </head>'); res.write(' <body> <form action="/username" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="username"/> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </body>'); res.write('</html>'); return res.end(); } if(url === '/username' && req.method === 'POST'){ const requestBody = []; req.on('data', (chunks)=>{ requestBody.push(chunks); }); return req.on('end', ()=>{ const parsedData = Buffer.concat(requestBody).toString(); const username = parsedData.split('=')[1]; fs.writeFile('username.txt', username, (error)=>{ console.log(error); }); //redirect res.statusCode=302; res.setHeader('Location','/'); return res.end(); }); } res.write('<html>'); res.write('<head> <title> Hello TutorialsPoint </title> </head>'); res.write(' <body> Hello </body>'); res.write('</html>'); res.end(); }); server.listen(3000);
创建一个单独的文件 routes.js −
将代码从 createServer 方法移动到 routes.js 文件。
const url = req.url; if(url === '/'){ res.write('<html>'); res.write('<head> <title> Hello TutorialsPoint </title> </head>'); res.write(' <body> <form action="/username" method="POST"> <input type ="text" name="username"/> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </body>'); res.write('</html>'); return res.end(); } if(url === '/username' && req.method === 'POST'){ const requestBody = []; req.on('data', (chunks)=>{ requestBody.push(chunks); }); return req.on('end', ()=>{ const parsedData = Buffer.concat(requestBody).toString(); const username = parsedData.split('=')[1]; fs.writeFile('username.txt', username, (error)=>{ console.log(error); }); //redirect res.statusCode=302; res.setHeader('Location','/'); return res.end(); }); } res.write('<html>'); res.write('<head> <title> Hello TutorialsPoint </title> </head>'); res.write(' <body> Hello </body>'); res.write('</html>'); res.end();
在 routes.js 文件中添加文件系统模块的导入语句,并从 App.js 文件中删除导入,因为我们现在不在那里使用它。
routes.js 文件中的上述代码应位于 JavaScript 函数中,如下所示 −
const requestHandler = (req, res)=>{ --routes.js file code-- } get the url and method data from request is same in routes.js. const url = req.url; const method = req.method;
通过这些更改,我们可以在 routes.js 文件中编写一个导出。
module.exports = requestHandler;
module.exports 可以有多个键值对导出,如下所示 −
module.exports = { key1: value1, key2: value2 }
在 App.js 文件中导入 routes.js 文件。
const routes = require('./routes');
更新后的 App.js 文件现在是 −
const http = require('http'); const routes = require('./routes'); const server = http.createServer(routes); server.listen(3000);
而 routes.js 的更新后的文件如下所示 −
const fs = require('fs'); const requestHandler=(req, res)=>{ const url = req.url; if(url === '/'){ res.write('<html>'); res.write('<head> <title> Hello TutorialsPoint </title> </head>'); res.write(' <body> <form action="/username" method="POST"> <input type="te xt" name="username"/> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </body>'); res.write('</html>'); return res.end(); } if(url === '/username' && req.method === 'POST'){ const requestBody = []; req.on('data', (chunks)=>{ requestBody.push(chunks); }); return req.on('end', ()=>{ const parsedData = Buffer.concat(requestBody).toString(); const username = parsedData.split('=')[1]; fs.writeFile('username.txt', username, (error)=>{ console.log(error); }); //redirect res.statusCode=302; res.setHeader('Location','/'); return res.end(); }); } res.write('<html>'); res.write('<head> <title> Hello TutorialsPoint </title> </head>'); res.write(' <body> Hello </body>'); res.write('</html>'); res.end(); } module.exports= requestHandler;