C++ 中的虚拷贝构造函数
在 C++ 编程语言中,拷贝构造函数用于创建从另一个对象复制的对象。但是,如果您希望程序在运行时决定创建的对象类型,即该对象类型是在运行时定义的,而不是在编译时定义的,并且基于用户为特定条件提供的某些输入。在这种情况下,我们需要一个具有某些特殊功能的拷贝构造函数来执行此操作。因此,为了做到这一点,声明了虚拷贝构造函数,它提供了实时克隆对象的功能。
clone() create()
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class figure{ public: figure() { } virtual ~figure() { } virtual void ChangeAttributes() = 0; static figure *Create(int id); virtual figure *Clone() = 0; }; class square : public figure{ public: square(){ cout << "square created" << endl; } square(const square& rhs) { } ~square() { } void ChangeAttributes(){ int a; cout<<"The side of square"; cin>>a; cout<<"Area of square is "<<a*a; } figure *Clone(){ return new square(*this); } }; class circle : public figure{ public: circle(){ cout << "circle created" << endl; } circle(const circle& rhs) { } ~circle() { } void ChangeAttributes(){ int r; cout << "enter the radius of the circle "; cin>>r; cout<<"the area of circle is "<<((3.14)*r*r); } figure *Clone(){ return new circle(*this); } }; class rectangle : public figure{ public: rectangle(){ cout << "rectangle created" << endl; } rectangle(const rectangle& rhs) { } ~rectangle() { } void ChangeAttributes(){ int a ,b; cout<<"The dimensions of rectangle "; cin>>a>>b; cout<<"Area of rectangle is "<<a*b; } figure*Clone(){ return new rectangle(*this); } }; figure *figure::Create(int id){ if( id == 1 ){ return new square; } else if( id == 2 ){ return new circle; } else{ return new rectangle; } } class User{ public: User() : figures(0){ int input; cout << "Enter ID (1, 2 or 3): "; cin >> input; while( (input != 1) && (input != 2) && (input != 3) ){ cout << "Enter ID (1, 2 or 3 only): "; cin >> input; } figures = figure::Create(input); } ~User(){ if( figures ){ delete figures; figures = 0; } } void Action(){ figure *newfigure = figures->Clone(); newfigure->ChangeAttributes(); delete newfigure; } private: figure *figures; }; int main(){ User *user = new User(); user->Action(); delete user; }
Enter ID (1, 2 or 3): 2 circle created enter the radius of the circle R 3 the area of circle is 28.26