height 和 line-height 之间有什么区别?
height 是容器的纵向度量,例如 div 的 height。
line-height 是 CSS 属性,用于指定行高,即第一行文本的顶部到第二行文本顶部的距离。它是两个段落之间的行距。
你可以尝试运行以下代码以了解 height 和 line-height 之间的区别
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .height { height: 20px; } .lheight { line-height: 15px; } .lheightbigger { line-height: 35px; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>Height</h2> <div class="height"> This is demo text. This is demo text. This is demo text. This is demo text. This is demo text. This is demo text. </div> <h2>Line Height with less space</h2> <div class="lheight"> This is demo text showing line height example. This is demo text showing line height example. This is demo text showing line height example. This is demo text showing line height example. This is demo text showing line height example.This is demo text showing line height example. </div> <h2>Normal Text</h2> <div> This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text. </div> <h2>Line Height with more space</h2> <div class="lheightbigger"> This is normal text. This is normal text.This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text.This is normal text. This is normal text. This is normal text.This is normal text. </div> </body> </html>