编写一个 C 程序来显示结构体成员的大小和偏移量
编写一个 C 程序来定义结构体并显示成员变量的大小和偏移量
结构体 - 它是一组不同数据类型变量的集合,这些变量组合在一个名称下。
datatype member1; struct tagname{ datatype member2; datatype member n; };
这里,struct - 关键字
tagname - 指定结构体的名称
member1, member2 - 指定构成结构体的数据项。
struct book{ int pages; char author [30]; float price; };
有三种声明结构体变量的方法 -
方法 1
struct book{ int pages; char author[30]; float price; }b;
方法 2
struct{ int pages; char author[30]; float price; }b;
方法 3
struct book{ int pages; char author[30]; float price; }; struct book b;
初始化可以通过以下方式完成 -
方法 1
struct book{ int pages; char author[30]; float price; } b = {100, "balu", 325.75};
方法 2
struct book{ int pages; char author[30]; float price; }; struct book b = {100, "balu", 325.75};
方法 3(使用成员运算符)
struct book{ int pages; char author[30]; float price; } ; struct book b; b. pages = 100; strcpy (b.author, "balu"); b.price = 325.75;
方法 4(使用 scanf 函数)
struct book{ int pages; char author[30]; float price; } ; struct book b; scanf ("%d", &b.pages); scanf ("%s", b.author); scanf ("%f", &b. price);
#include<stdio.h> #include<stddef.h> struct tutorial{ int a; int b; char c[4]; float d; double e; }; int main(){ struct tutorial t1; printf("the size 'a' is :%d
",sizeof(t1.a)); printf("the size 'b' is :%d
",sizeof(t1.b)); printf("the size 'c' is :%d
",sizeof(t1.c)); printf("the size 'd' is :%d
",sizeof(t1.d)); printf("the size 'e' is :%d
",sizeof(t1.e)); printf("the offset 'a' is :%d
",offsetof(struct tutorial,a)); printf("the offset 'b' is :%d
",offsetof(struct tutorial,b)); printf("the offset 'c' is :%d
",offsetof(struct tutorial,c)); printf("the offset 'd' is :%d
",offsetof(struct tutorial,d)); printf("the offset 'e' is :%d
",offsetof(struct tutorial,e)); printf("size of the structure tutorial is :%d",sizeof(t1)); return 0; }
the size 'a' is :4 the size 'b' is :4 the size 'c' is :4 the size 'd' is :4 the size 'e' is :8 the offset 'a' is :0 the offset 'b' is :4 the offset 'c' is :8 the offset 'd' is :12 the offset 'e' is :16 size of the structure tutorial is :24