如何在 Python 中比较不同时区的時間?

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用以下方法在 Python 中将时间与不同的时区进行比较。

  • 将给定的时区与本地时区进行比较

  • 比较两个时区的当前日期时间

  • 比较具有不同时区的两个时间

方法 1:将给定的时区与本地时区进行比较



  • 使用 import 关键字导入 datetime, pytz 模块。

  • 使用 pytz 模块的 timezone() 函数(获取特定位置的时区),获取 “CET”(本地时区) 的时区并将其存储在变量中。

  • 使用 timezone() 函数获取 UTC 时区,并将其存储在另一个变量中。

  • 使用 datetime.astimezone() 函数(datetime.astimezone() 函数用于修改 DateTime 模块中 DateTime 类的对象)将上述时间转换为另一个时区,并将本地时区作为参数传递给它。

  • 打印本地和 UTC 时区的值。

  • 使用 if 条件语句比较本地时区的值是否等于 UTC 时区,并根据结果进行打印。



# importing datetime, pytz modules from datetime import datetime import pytz # Getting the local timezone localTimeZone = pytz.timezone('CET') # Getting the UTC timeZone utcTimeZone = datetime.now(pytz.utc) # format string format = '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S %Z %z' # Convert the time to the local timezone local = utcTimeZone.astimezone(localTimeZone) # Getting formatted time using strftime() function print("Formatted DateTime in Local Timezone : ",local.strftime(format)) print("Formatted DateTime in UTC Timezone : ",utcTimeZone.strftime(format)) difference = int(local.strftime('%z')) difference2 = int(utcTimeZone.strftime('%z')) # Comparing Time Zones if (difference > difference2): print('UTC TimeZone is behind the Local Timezone by',local.strftime('%z'),'Hours') if(difference < difference2): print('UTC TimeZone is ahead of the Local TimeZone by',utcTimeZone.strftime('%z'),'Hours')


Formatted DateTime in Local Timezone :  2022:09:14 12:05:05 CEST +0200
Formatted DateTime in UTC Timezone :  2022:09:14 10:05:05 UTC +0000
UTC TimeZone is behind the Local Timezone by +0200 Hours

方法 2:比较两个时区的当前日期时间




  • 使用 import 关键字导入 datetime(用于处理日期和时间,Python 有一个名为 datetime 的模块),pytz 模块(使我们的朴素日期变得有感知)。

  • 使用 pytz 模块的 timezone() 函数(获取特定位置的时区),获取 “America/New_York” 的时区。

  • 使用 pytz 模块的 timezone() 函数(获取特定位置的时区),获取 “Europe/London” 的时区。

  • 使用 datetime.now() 函数获取当前日期时间。

  • 使用 localize() 函数将上述时区转换为本地化函数。

localize() function
When creating datetime-aware objects with an initial fixed datetime value, the correct function to use is localise(). The original datetime value will be retained in the resulting datetime aware object.
  • 现在两个时间都在相同的时区。

  • 根据需要使用 if 条件语句比较时区。


# importing datetime, pytz modules from datetime import datetime import pytz # Getting the time in America/New_York timezone timezone_newyork= pytz.timezone('America/New_York') # Getting the time in Europe/London timezone timezone_london = pytz.timezone("Europe/London") # current datetime inputDatetime = datetime.now() # Localize the given date, according to the timezone objects # Here this step converts the given two timezones to local time zones using localize() function datewith_tz_newyork = timezone_newyork.localize(inputDatetime) datewith_tz_london = timezone_london.localize(inputDatetime) # These are now, effectively no longer the same *date* after being localized print("The date and time with timezone newyork:", datewith_tz_newyork) print("The date and time with timezone london:", datewith_tz_london) difference = int(datewith_tz_newyork.strftime('%z')) difference2 = int(datewith_tz_london.strftime('%z')) # checking whether the date with different timezones are equal or NOT after they are in the same timezone if(datewith_tz_newyork > datewith_tz_london): print('Current Time in Newyork time is older than London by',(difference2- difference)/100,'hours') else: print('Current Time in London time is older than Newyork by',(difference- difference2)/100,'hours')


The date and time with timezone newyork: 2022-09-14 10:13:27.727111-04:00
The date and time with timezone london: 2022-09-14 10:13:27.727111+01:00
Current Time in Newyork time is older than London by 5.0 hours

方法 3:比较具有不同时区的两个时间

这与前面的方法类似,只是我们提供了两个时区的 DateTime。


from datetime import datetime import pytz # Getting the time in America/New_York timezone timezone_newyork= pytz.timezone('America/New_York') # Getting the time in Europe/London timezone timezone_london = pytz.timezone("Europe/London") # input the date time of the newyork in the format Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second newyorkDateTime = datetime(2013, 3, 15, 20, 5, 10) #input date time of the london londonDateTime = datetime(2013, 3, 15, 20, 5, 10) # Localize the given date, according to the timezone objects datewith_tz_newyork = timezone_newyork.localize(newyorkDateTime) datewith_tz_london = timezone_london.localize(londonDateTime) # These are now, effectively no longer the same *date* after being localized print("The date and time with timezone newyork:", datewith_tz_newyork) print("The date and time with timezone london:", datewith_tz_london) difference = int(datewith_tz_newyork.strftime('%z')) difference2 = int(datewith_tz_london.strftime('%z')) # comparingthe date with different timezonesafter they are in the same timezone if(difference > difference2): print('Given Two Times of two different Time Zones are equal',(difference-difference2)/100,'hours') else: print('Given Two Times of two different Time Zones are not equal by',(difference2-difference)/100,'hours')


The date and time with timezone newyork: 2013-03-15 20:05:10-04:00
The date and time with timezone london: 2013-03-15 20:05:10+00:00
Given Two Times of two different Time Zones are not equal by 4.0 hours



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