穆勒法由David E. Muller于1956年首次提出。穆勒法是一种求根算法,它从三个初始近似值开始寻找根,然后用二次多项式(抛物线)连接它们,然后使用二次公式来寻找二次方程的根作为下一个近似值。也就是说,如果x0、x1和x2是初始近似值,则通过求解由x0、x1和x2得到的二次方程来获得x3。然后,选择x0、x1和x2中两个最接近x3的值进行下一次迭代。
- 穆勒法的收敛速度高于其他方法。穆勒法的收敛速度为1.84,而割线法和线性法的收敛速度为1.62,试位法和二分法的收敛速度为1。收敛速度是指每次迭代我们向根靠近的程度。因此,穆勒法更快。
- 虽然它比牛顿-拉夫森法慢(牛顿-拉夫森法的收敛速度为2),但在穆勒法中,每次迭代计算导数更好。因此,穆勒法是一种有效的方法。
- 让我们假设三个不同的初始根x0、x1和x2。
- 现在,通过点x0、x1和x2的函数f(x)的值绘制抛物线。
p(x) = c + b(x – x2) + a(x – x2)²;其中a、b和c是常数。
- 现在,找到抛物线与x轴的交点,例如x3。
- 如何找到抛物线与x轴的交点,即x3:
找到p(x)的根x3,其中p(x) = c + b(x – x2) + a(x – x2)²,使得p(x3) = c + b(x3 – x2) + a(x3 – x2)² = 0,对p(x)应用二次公式。由于我们必须取两个根中更接近x2的那个,我们将使用以下方程:
$$X_{3}-X_{2} = \frac{-2c}{b\pm\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}$$现在,由于p(x)应该更接近x2,所以我们将取上述方程中分母较大的值。
p(x0) = c + b(x0 – x2) + a(x0 – x2)² = f(x0) p(x1) = c + b(x1 – x2) + a(x1 – x2)² = f(x1) p(x2) = c + b(x2 – x2) + a(x2 – x2)² = c = f(x2)
- 如果x3非常接近x2,则x3成为f(x)的根,否则重复查找下一个x3的过程,从之前的x1、x2、x3作为新的x0、x1、x2。
Input: a = 1, b = 3, c = 2 Output: The root is 1.368809 Input: a = 1, b = 5, c = 3 Output: The root is 3.000001
Start Step 1-> Declare and initialize a const MAX = 10000; Step 2-> In Function float f(float x) Return 1*pow(x, 3) + 2*x*x + 10*x – 20 Step 3-> In function int muller(float a, float b, float c) Declare i,result Loop For i = 0 and ++i Initialize f1 = result returned from calling function f(a) Initialize f2 = result returned from calling function f(b) Initialize f3 = result returned from calling function f(c) Set d1 = f1 - f3 Set d2 = f2 - f3 Set h1 = a - c Set h2 = b - c Set a0 = f3 Set a1 = (((d2*pow(h1, 2)) - (d1*pow(h2, 2))) / ((h1*h2) * (h1-h2))) Set a2 = (((d1*h2) - (d2*h1))/((h1*h2) * (h1-h2))) Set x = ((-2*a0) / (a1 + abs(sqrt(a1*a1-4*a0*a2)))) Set y = ((-2*a0) / (a1-abs(sqrt(a1*a1-4*a0*a2)))) If x >= y result = x + c Else result = y + c End if Set m = result*100 Set n = c*100 Set m = floor(m) and n = floor(n) If m == n Break End If Set a = b and b = c and c = result If i > MAX Print “Root can't be found using Muller method” Break End If End for If i <= MAX Print result Step 4-> In function int main() Declare and initialize the inputs a = 1, b = 3, c = 2 Call the function muller(a, b, c) Stop
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> const int MAX = 10000; //this function to find f(n) float f(float x) { // f(x) = x ^ 3 + 2x ^ 2 + 10x - 20 return 1*pow(x, 3) + 2*x*x + 10*x - 20; } int muller(float a, float b, float c) { int i; float result; for (i = 0;;++i) { // Calculating various constants required // to calculate x3 float f1 = f(a); float f2 = f(b); float f3 = f(c); float d1 = f1 - f3; float d2 = f2 - f3; float h1 = a - c; float h2 = b - c; float a0 = f3; float a1 = (((d2*pow(h1, 2)) - (d1*pow(h2, 2))) / ((h1*h2) * (h1-h2))); float a2 = (((d1*h2) - (d2*h1))/((h1*h2) * (h1-h2))); float x = ((-2*a0) / (a1 + abs(sqrt(a1*a1-4*a0*a2)))); float y = ((-2*a0) / (a1-abs(sqrt(a1*a1-4*a0*a2)))); // Taking the root which is closer to x2 if (x >= y) result = x + c; else result = y + c; // checking for resemblance of x3 with x2 till // two decimal places float m = result*100; float n = c*100; m = floor(m); n = floor(n); if (m == n) break; a = b; b = c; c = result; if (i > MAX) { printf("Root can't be found using Muller method
"); break; } } if (i <= MAX) printf("The root is %f", result); return 0; } // main function int main() { float a = 1, b = 3, c = 2; muller(a, b, c); return 0; }
The root is 1.368809