C# 程序查找两个或更多个字典的并集\n
首先,设置这两个字典 −
Dictionary < string, int > dict1 = new Dictionary < string, int > (); dict1.Add("water", 1); dict1.Add("food", 2); Dictionary < string, int > dict2 = new Dictionary < string, int > (); dict2.Add("clothing", 3); dict2.Add("shelter", 4);
现在,创建 HashSet 并使用 UnionsWith() 方法查找上述两个字典的并集 −
HashSet < string > hSet = new HashSet < string > (dict1.Keys); hSet.UnionWith(dict2.Keys);
以下是完整的代码 −
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Program { public static void Main() { Dictionary < string, int > dict1 = new Dictionary < string, int > (); dict1.Add("water", 1); dict1.Add("food", 2); Dictionary < string, int > dict2 = new Dictionary < string, int > (); dict2.Add("clothing", 3); dict2.Add("shelter", 4); HashSet < string > hSet = new HashSet < string > (dict1.Keys); hSet.UnionWith(dict2.Keys); Console.WriteLine("Union of Dictionary..."); foreach(string val in hSet) { Console.WriteLine(val); } } }
Union of Dictionary... water food clothing shelter