使用 Python 将一个日期时间数组转换为一个字符串数组
要将一个日期时间数组转换为一个字符串数组,请在 Python Numpy 中使用 numpy.datetime_as_string() 方法。该方法返回一个与输入数组形状相同的字符串数组。第一个参数是要格式化的 UTC 时间戳数组
首先,导入必需的库 -
import numpy as np
创建一个 datetime 数组。“M”类型指定 datetime -
arr = np.arange('2022-02-20T02:10', 6*60, 60, dtype='M8[m]')
显示我们的数组 -
获取数据类型 -
print("\nArray datatype...\n",arr.dtype)
获取数组的维度 -
print("\nArray Dimensions...\n",arr.ndim)
获取数组的形状 -
print("\nOur Array Shape...\n",arr.shape)
获取数组的元素数量 -
print("\nNumber of elements in the Array...\n",arr.size)
要将一个日期时间数组转换为一个字符串数组,请在 Python Numpy 中使用 numpy.datetime_as_string() 方法 -
import numpy as np # Create an array of datetime # The 'M' type specifies datetime arr = np.arange('2022-02-20T02:10', 6*60, 60, dtype='M8[m]') # Displaying our array print("Array...\n",arr) # Get the datatype print("\nArray datatype...\n",arr.dtype) # Get the dimensions of the Array print("\nArray Dimensions...\n",arr.ndim) # Get the shape of the Array print("\nOur Array Shape...\n",arr.shape) # Get the number of elements of the Array print("\nNumber of elements in the Array...\n",arr.size) # To convert an array of datetimes into an array of strings, use the numpy.datetime_as_string() method in Python Numpy # The method returns an array of strings the same shape as the input array print("\nResult...\n",np.datetime_as_string(arr))
Array... ['2022-02-20T02:10' '2022-02-20T03:10' '2022-02-20T04:10' '2022-02-20T05:10' '2022-02-20T06:10' '2022-02-20T07:10'] Array datatype... datetime64[m] Array Dimensions... 1 Our Array Shape... (6,) Number of elements in the Array... 6 Result... ['2022-02-20T02:10' '2022-02-20T03:10' '2022-02-20T04:10' '2022-02-20T05:10' '2022-02-20T06:10' '2022-02-20T07:10']