计算 C++ 中是回文数的平方的所有回文数
为此,我们将提供两个值 L 和 R。我们的任务是找出给定范围内的超级回文数。超级回文数的特点是该数及其平方均为回文数。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //checking if the number is a palindrome bool if_palin(int x){ int ans = 0; int temp = x; while (temp > 0){ ans = 10 * ans + temp % 10; temp = temp / 10; } return ans == x; } //returning the count of palindrome int is_spalin(int L, int R){ // Upper limit int LIMIT = 100000; int ans = 0; for (int i = 0 ;i < LIMIT; i++){ string s = to_string(i); string rs = s.substr(0, s.size() - 1); reverse(rs.begin(), rs.end()); string p = s + rs; int p_sq = pow(stoi(p), 2); if (p_sq > R) break; if (p_sq >= L and if_palin(p_sq)) ans = ans + 1; } //counting even length palindromes for (int i = 0 ;i < LIMIT; i++){ string s = to_string(i); string rs = s; reverse(rs.begin(), rs.end()); string p = s + rs; int p_sq = pow(stoi(p), 2); if (p_sq > R) break; if (p_sq >= L and if_palin(p_sq)) ans = ans + 1; } return ans; } int main(){ string L = "4"; string R = "1000"; printf("%d\n", is_spalin(stoi(L), stoi(R))); return 0; }