如何向 c 语言函数中传递结构体来添加两个复数?

为了在 C 编程语言中添加两个复数,用户必须将两个复数作为结构成员,并通过创建用户自定义函数对这两个数字执行加法运算。



Step 1: Declare struct complex with data members.
Step 2: Declare name for structure and variables.
Step 3: Enter real and imaginary part for first complex number at run time.
Step 4: Enter real and imaginary part for second complex number at runtime
Step 5: Compute addition of number1 and number2 by calling function. Go to step 7.
Step 6: Print the result.
Step 7: Compute addition
  • Declare temp variable
  • temp.real = num1.real + num2.real;
  • temp.imag = num1.imag + num2.imag;
  • return (temp);


以下是通过向函数传递结构体以添加两个复数的 C 语言程序 -


#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct complex{
   float real;
   float imag;
} complex;
complex addition(complex num1, complex num2);
int main(){
   complex num1, num2, value;
   printf("entering real and imag parts of first complex no:
");    scanf("%f %f", &num1.real, &num1.imag);    printf("entering real and imag parts of second complex no:
");    scanf("%f %f", &num2.real, &num2.imag);    value= addition(num1, num2);    printf("result = %.1f + %.1fi", value.real, value.imag);    return 0; } complex addition(complex num1, complex num2){    complex temp;    temp.real = num1.real + num2.real;    temp.imag = num1.imag + num2.imag;    return (temp); }


当以上程序执行时,它生成以下结果 -

entering real and imag parts of first complex no:
entering real and imag parts of second complex no:
result = 0.0 + 0.0i

更新于: 2021 年 3 月 24 日

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