用 C 语言编写程序以相加两个复数
已知有两个复数 a1+ ib1 和 a2 + ib2,任务是相加这两个复数。
复数是可以表达为“a+ib”形式的数,其中“a”和“b”是实数,i 是虚数,即关于表达式 𝑥 2 = −1 的解,因为没有实数满足该方程,所以称其为虚数。
a1 = 3, b1 = 8 a2 = 5, b2 = 2
Complex number 1: 3 + i8 Complex number 2: 5 + i2 Sum of the complex numbers: 8 + i10
(3+i8) + (5+i2) = (3+5) + i(8+2) = 8 + i10
a1 = 5, b1 = 3 a2 = 2, b2 = 2
Complex number 1: 5 + i3 Complex number 2: 2 + i2 Sum of the complex numbers: 7 + i5
(5+i3) + (2+i2) = (5+2) + i(3+2) = 7 + i5
Start Decalre a struct complexnum with following elements 1. real 2. img In function complexnum sumcomplex(complexnum a, complexnum b) Step 1→ Declare a signature struct complexnum c Step 2→ Set c.real as a.real + b.real Step 3→ Set c.img as a.img + b.img Step 4→ Return c In function int main() Step 1→ Declare and initialize complexnum a = {1, 2} and b = {4, 5} Step 2→ Declare and set complexnum c as sumcomplex(a, b) Step 3→ Print the first complex number Step 4→ Print the second complex number Step 5→ Print the sum of both in c.real, c.img Stop
#include <stdio.h> //structure for storing the real and imaginery //values of complex number struct complexnum{ int real, img; }; complexnum sumcomplex(complexnum a, complexnum b){ struct complexnum c; //Adding up two complex numbers c.real = a.real + b.real; c.img = a.img + b.img; return c; } int main(){ struct complexnum a = {1, 2}; struct complexnum b = {4, 5}; struct complexnum c = sumcomplex(a, b); printf("Complex number 1: %d + i%d
", a.real, a.img); printf("Complex number 2: %d + i%d
", b.real, b.img); printf("Sum of the complex numbers: %d + i%d
", c.real, c.img); return 0; }
如果运行以上代码,会生成以下输出 −
Complex number 1: 1 + i2 Complex number 2: 4 + i5 Sum of the complex numbers: 5 + i7