如何在 Java 中使用方法引用创建线程?\n
方法引用是在 lambda 表达式中引用方法而无需执行其方法的一种方式。在 lambda 表达式的正文部分,如果与功能接口兼容,我们可以调用其他方法。我们还可以在方法引用中捕获“this”和“super”关键字。
this 关键字示例
public class MethodRefThisTest { public void runBody() { for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { System.out.println("Square of " + i + " is: " + (i*i)); } } public static void main(String[] args) { MethodReferenceThread test = new MethodReferenceThread(); test.createThread(); } private void createThread() { new Thread(this::runBody).start(); // method reference } }
Square of 1 is: 1 Square of 2 is: 4 Square of 3 is: 9 Square of 4 is: 16 Square of 5 is: 25 Square of 6 is: 36 Square of 7 is: 49 Square of 8 is: 64 Square of 9 is: 81
super 关键字示例
class SuperReference { public void runBody() { for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { System.out.println("Square of " + i +" is: " + (i*i)); } } } public class MethodRefSuperTest extends SuperReference { public static void main(String[] args) { MethodRefSuperTest test = new MethodRefSuperTest(); test.createThread(); } private void createThread() { new Thread(super::runBody).start(); // method reference } }
Square of 1 is: 1 Square of 2 is: 4 Square of 3 is: 9 Square of 4 is: 16 Square of 5 is: 25 Square of 6 is: 36 Square of 7 is: 49 Square of 8 is: 64 Square of 9 is: 81