如何使用 R 中的 dplyr 创建相对频次表?
相对频次是某项事物占总数的比例。例如,如果我们有 5 根香蕉、6 个番石榴和 10 个石榴,那么香蕉的相对频次就是 5 除以 5、6 和 10 的总和,即 21,因此它也可以称为成比例频次。
示例 1
考虑以下数据帧 −
set.seed(21) x<−sample(LETTERS[1:4],20,replace=TRUE) Ratings<−sample(1:50,20) df1<−data.frame(x,Ratings) df1
x Ratings 1 C 44 2 A 29 3 C 14 4 A 10 5 B 46 6 C 1 7 D 47 8 A 8 9 C 23 10 C 7 11 D 50 12 B 31 13 B 34 14 B 3 15 D 48 16 B 33 17 C 45 18 B 9 19 B 40 20 C 21
加载 dplyr 包 −
寻找 x 中值的相对频次表 −
df1%>%group_by(x)%>%summarise(n=n())%>%mutate(freq=n/sum(n)) `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument) # A tibble: 4 x 3
x n freq <chr> <int> <dbl> 1 A 3 0.15 2 B 7 0.35 3 C 7 0.35 4 D 3 0.15 Warning message: `...` is not empty. We detected these problematic arguments: * `needs_dots` These dots only exist to allow future extensions and should be empty. Did you misspecify an argument?
注意 − 不要担心此警告消息,因为我们的问题已正确解决,且该警告与此无关。
示例 2
y<−sample(c("Male","Female"),20,replace=TRUE) Salary<−sample(20000:50000,20) df2<−data.frame(y,Salary) df2
y Salary 1 Female 40907 2 Female 47697 3 Male 49419 4 Female 23818 5 Male 21585 6 Male 22276 7 Female 21856 8 Male 22092 9 Male 27892 10 Female 47655 11 Male 34933 12 Female 48027 13 Female 48179 14 Male 21460 15 Male 24233 16 Female 43762 17 Female 22369 18 Female 47206 19 Male 34972 20 Female 30222
寻找 y 中性别的相对频次 −
df2%>%group_by(y)%>%summarise(n=n())%>%mutate(freq=n/sum(n)) `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument) # A tibble: 2 x 3
y n freq <chr> <int> <dbl> 1 Female 11 0.55 2 Male 9 0.45 Warning message: `...` is not empty. We detected these problematic arguments: * `needs_dots` These dots only exist to allow future extensions and should be empty. Did you misspecify an argument?