使用 JavaScript 实现绿幕算法
在应用以下代码之前,请务必将以下源文件包含到您的 HTML 代码中:
<script src=”https://www.dukelearntoprogram.com/course1/common/js/image/SimpleImage.js”></script>
实现此算法所需的 JavaScript 代码如下所示。要使用它,您必须自己创建 HTML 代码。
HTML 源代码
您必须在 HTML 文档的 元素中添加此 HTML 代码。
<h1>Green Screen Algorithm Implementation using JavaScript with TutorialsPoint </h1> <canvas id="image1"></canvas> <canvas id="image2"></canvas> <br /> <p> First Image: <input type="file" id="myImageFile" multiple="false" onChange="frontimg()"> </p> <p> Background Image: <input type="file" id="bgImageFile" multiple="false" onChange="backimg()"> </p> <input type="button" value="Merge Image" onClick="merge()">
CSS 源代码
接下来,在 HTML 文档中添加 CSS 代码
<style> canvas { background: rgb(214, 235, 176); border: 1px solid rgb(13, 109, 160); width: 420px; height: 290px; margin: 30px; } h1{ color: rgb(13, 109, 160); } body { background-color: #bbb6ab; } </style>
JavaScript 源代码
您必须在 HTML 文档的 <script> 标签中添加以下 JavaScript 代码
<script type="text/javascript"> let forwdImage = null; let secImage = null; // This function accepts an input of a forward picture function frontimg() { let fileInput = document.getElementById("myImageFile"); let canvas = document.getElementById("image1"); forwdImage = new SimpleImage(fileInput); forwdImage.drawTo(canvas); } // Background picture is output from this function function backimg() { let fileInput = document.getElementById("bgImageFile"); let canvas = document.getElementById("image2"); secImage = new SimpleImage(fileInput); secImage.drawTo(canvas); } // This function combines the two images and outputs the // merged image as the final result. The Green Screen // Algorithm is implemented function merge() { clear(); let image1 = document.getElementById("image1"); let outputImage = new SimpleImage( forwdImage.width, forwdImage.height); for (let pixel of forwdImage.values()) { if (pixel.getGreen() > pixel.getRed() + pixel.getBlue()) { let x = pixel.getX(); let y = pixel.getY(); let newPixel = secImage.getPixel(x, y); outputImage.setPixel(x, y, newPixel); } else { outputImage.setPixel(pixel.getX(), pixel.getY(), pixel); } } outputImage.drawTo(image1); } // The output and input from earlier // fetches are cleared by this function. function clear() { let image1 = document.getElementById("image1"); let image2 = document.getElementById("image2"); let context = image1.getContext("2d"); context.clearRect(0, 0, image1.width, image1.height); context = image2.getContext("2d"); context.clearRect(0, 0, image2.width, image2.height); } </script>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <title>Implement Green Screen Algorithm using JavaScript - TutorialsPoint</title> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <script src="https://www.dukelearntoprogram.com/course1/common/js/image/SimpleImage.js"></script> <style> canvas { background: rgb(214, 235, 176); border: 1px solid rgb(13, 109, 160); width: 420px; height: 290px; margin: 30px; } h1 { color: rgb(13, 109, 160); } body { background-color: #bbb6ab; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Green Screen Algorithm Implementation using JavaScript with TutorialsPoint </h1> <canvas id="image1"></canvas> <canvas id="image2"></canvas> <br /> <p> First Image: <input type="file" id="myImageFile" multiple="false" onChange="frontimg()"> </p> <p> Background Image: <input type="file" id="bgImageFile" multiple="false" onChange="backimg()"> </p> <input type="button" value="Merge Image" onClick="merge()"> <script type="text/javascript"> let forwdImage = null; let secImage = null; // This function accepts an input of a forward picture function frontimg() { let fileInput = document.getElementById("myImageFile"); let canvas = document.getElementById("image1"); forwdImage = new SimpleImage(fileInput); forwdImage.drawTo(canvas); } // Background picture is output from this function function backimg() { let fileInput = document.getElementById("bgImageFile"); let canvas = document.getElementById("image2"); secImage = new SimpleImage(fileInput); secImage.drawTo(canvas); } // This function combines the two images and outputs the // merged image as the final result. The Green Screen // Algorithm is implemented function merge() { clear(); let image1 = document.getElementById("image1"); let outputImage = new SimpleImage( forwdImage.width, forwdImage.height); for (let pixel of forwdImage.values()) { if (pixel.getGreen() > pixel.getRed() + pixel.getBlue()) { let x = pixel.getX(); let y = pixel.getY(); let newPixel = secImage.getPixel(x, y); outputImage.setPixel(x, y, newPixel); } else { outputImage.setPixel(pixel.getX(), pixel.getY(), pixel); } } outputImage.drawTo(image1); } // The output and input from earlier // fetches are cleared by this function. function clear() { let image1 = document.getElementById("image1"); let image2 = document.getElementById("image2"); let context = image1.getContext("2d"); context.clearRect(0, 0, image1.width, image1.height); context = image2.getContext("2d"); context.clearRect(0, 0, image2.width, image2.height); } </script> </body> </html>
JavaScript 在接收两张输入图像后将它们组合起来;因此,背景图像取代了前景图像的绿色背景。为了实现绿幕算法,以上提供了代码。