Lisp - 逻辑运算符

Common LISP 提供三个逻辑运算符:and、ornot,它们作用于布尔值。假设A的值为 nil,B的值为 5,则:

运算符 描述 示例
and 它可以接受任意数量的参数。参数从左到右计算。如果所有参数都计算为非 nil,则返回最后一个参数的值。否则返回 nil。 (and A B) 将返回 NIL。
or 它可以接受任意数量的参数。参数从左到右计算,直到一个参数计算为非 nil,在这种情况下返回该参数的值;否则返回nil (or A B) 将返回 5。
not 它接受一个参数,如果参数计算为nil,则返回t (not A) 将返回 T。

示例 - and 运算符

创建一个名为 main.lisp 的新源代码文件,并在其中输入以下代码。这里我们使用and运算符来检查各种情况。


; set a as 10
(setq a 10)
; set b as 20
(setq b 20)

; perform and operation on a and b
(format t "~% A and B is ~a" (and a b))

; terminate printing
; set a as nil
(setq a nil)
; set b as 5
(setq b 5)

; perform and operation on a and b
(format t "~% A and B is ~a" (and a b))

; terminate printing
; set a as nil
(setq a nil)
; set b as 0
(setq b 0)

; perform and operation on a and b
(format t "~% A and B is ~a" (and a b))

; terminate printing

; set values to variables
(setq a 10)
(setq b 0)
(setq c 30)
(setq d 40)

; print and operation on all four variables
(format t "~% Result of and operation on 10, 0, 30, 40 is ~a" (and a b c d))

; terminate printing
; set values to variables
(setq a 10)
(setq b 20)
(setq c nil)
(setq d 40)

; print and operation on all four variables
(format t "~% Result of and operation on 10, 20, nil, 40 is ~a" (and a b c d))


单击“执行”按钮或键入 Ctrl+E 时,LISP 会立即执行它,并返回结果:

A and B is 20
A and B is NIL

 A and B is NIL
Result of and operation on 10, 0, 30, 40 is 40
Result of and operation on 10, 20, nil, 40 is NIL

示例 - or 运算符

更新名为 main.lisp 的源代码文件,并在其中输入以下代码。这里我们使用or运算符来检查各种情况。


; set a as 10
(setq a 10)
; set b as 20
(setq b 20)

; print or operation on a and b
(format t "~% A or B is ~a" (or a b))
; terminate printing
; set a as nil
(setq a nil)
; set b as 5
(setq b 5)
; perform or operation on a and b
(format t "~% A or B is ~a" (or a b))

; terminate printing
; set a as nil
(setq a nil)
; set b as 0
(setq b 0)
; perform or operation on a and b
(format t "~% A or B is ~a" (or a b))

; terminate printing
; set values of variables
(setq a 10)
(setq b 0)
(setq c 30)
(setq d 40)

; perform or operation on variables
(format t "~% Result of and operation on 10, 0, 30, 40 is ~a" (or a b c d))

; terminate printing
; set values of variables
(setq a 10)
(setq b 20)
(setq c nil)
(setq d 40)
; perform or operation on variables
(format t "~% Result of and operation on 10, 20, nil, 40 is ~a" (or a b c d))


单击“执行”按钮或键入 Ctrl+E 时,LISP 会立即执行它,并返回结果:

A or B is 10

 A or B is 5

 A or B is 0

 Result of and operation on 10, 0, 30, 40 is 10

 Result of and operation on 10, 20, nil, 40 is 10

示例 - not 运算符

更新名为 main.lisp 的源代码文件,并在其中输入以下代码。这里我们使用not运算符来检查各种情况。


; set a as 10
(setq a 10)
; perform not operation on a
(format t "~% not A is ~a" (not a))
; terminate printing
; set q as nil
(setq a nil)
; perform not operation on a
(format t "~% not A is ~a" (not a))
; terminate printing
; set q as 0
(setq a 0)
; perform not operation on a
(format t "~% not A is ~a" (not a))


单击“执行”按钮或键入 Ctrl+E 时,LISP 会立即执行它,并返回结果:

not A is NIL

 not A is T

 not A is NIL

请注意,逻辑运算作用于布尔值,其次,数值零和 NIL 不相同。
