在这个问题中,我们将找到通过从当前 1 的索引左侧拾取未选择的元素来获得数组元素的最大和。
我们可以使用向量列表和 sort() 方法来解决问题或优先级队列。优先级队列按排序顺序插入元素。
我们给定一个二进制字符串 alpha 和相同长度的 arr[]。我们需要逐一选择 alpha 的所有 '1',并获取在使用 0 到 p 个元素形成的 arr[] 的子数组中未选择的最大元素。这里,P 是二进制字符串中选择的 '1' 的索引。我们需要打印此类数组元素的最大和。
alpha = "01010"; arr[] = {30, 40, 3, 7, 20};
对于索引 1 处的 '1',我们可以选择 40。
对于索引 3 处的 '1',我们可以选择 30。
因此 40 和 30 的总和为 70。
alpha = "00000"; arr[] = {30, 40, 3, 7, 20};
解释 - 二进制字符串包含所有 0。因此,它打印 0 和。
alpha = "00001"; arr[] = {100, 70, 80, 8, 20};
解释 - 我们为 '1' 选择 100,因为它位于 o 到 4 的子数组内并且尚未被选中。
方法 1
在这种方法中,我们将继续计算 1 的数量并将数组元素推入列表。此外,我们保持列表排序,并且每当我们在二进制字符串中找到 '0' 时,我们将最后计数数量的元素添加到总和并将其从排序数组中删除。这里,计数是在最后一个零和当前零之间出现的 1 的数量。
步骤 1 - 将 'count' 和 'array_sum' 初始化为零,以存储两个 0 之间的 1 的数量和最大和输出。
步骤 2 - 此外,定义 'numbers' 列表以存储数组元素。
步骤 3 - 开始遍历字符串。如果二进制字符串中的当前字符为 '1',则将 'count' 加 1。
步骤 4 - 否则,使用 hwile 循环进行迭代,直到 'count' 不等于 0。在循环中,将最后一个元素添加到 'array_sum',将其从列表中删除,并将 'count' 减 1。
步骤 5 - 将当前元素推入列表。
步骤 6 - 使用 sort() 方法对列表进行排序。
步骤 7 - 使用 while 循环进行迭代,直到 count 不等于零。在循环中,将数组的最后一个元素添加到 array_sum,并从列表中删除最后一个元素。
步骤 8 - 返回 array_sum 的值。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int getMaximumSum(int arr[], char alpha[], int len) { int count = 0, array_sum = 0; int numbers[len]; int numbers_size = 0; // Iterate the string for (int p = 0; p < len; p++) { if (alpha[p] == '1') { count++; } else { // Pop all count number of elements from the stack while (count != 0) { array_sum += numbers[--numbers_size]; count--; } } // Push element to stack numbers[numbers_size++] = arr[p]; // Sort the stack (use any sorting algorithm) // Example: Bubble Sort for (int i = 0; i < numbers_size - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numbers_size - i - 1; j++) { if (numbers[j] > numbers[j + 1]) { // Swap numbers[j] and numbers[j+1] int temp = numbers[j]; numbers[j] = numbers[j + 1]; numbers[j + 1] = temp; } } } } // If the stack is not empty, then pop the elements and do its sum while (count != 0) { array_sum += numbers[--numbers_size]; count--; } // Return the answer return array_sum; } int main() { int len = 5; char alpha[] = "01010"; int arr[] = {30, 40, 3, 7, 20}; printf("The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is %d\n", getMaximumSum(arr, alpha, len)); return 0; }
The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is 70
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int getMaximumSum(int *arr, string alpha, int len) { int count = 0, array_sum = 0; vector<int> numbers; // Iterate the string for (int p = 0; p < len; p++) { if (alpha[p] == '1') { count++; } else { // Pop all count number of elements from the queue while (count != 0) { array_sum += numbers[numbers.size() - 1]; numbers.pop_back(); count--; } } // Insert element to list numbers.push_back(arr[p]); // sort the list sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end()); } // If the queue is not empty, then pop the elements and do its sum while (count != 0) { array_sum += numbers[numbers.size() - 1]; numbers.pop_back(); count--; } // return answer return array_sum; } int main() { int len = 5; string alpha = "01010"; int arr[] = {30, 40, 3, 7, 20}; cout << "The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is " << getMaximumSum(arr, alpha, len) << endl; return 0; }
The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is 70
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class Main { public static int getMaximumSum(int[] arr, String alpha, int len) { int count = 0; int array_sum = 0; List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>(); // Iterate the string for (int p = 0; p < len; p++) { if (alpha.charAt(p) == '1') { count++; } else { // Pop all count number of elements from the list while (count != 0) { array_sum += numbers.get(numbers.size() - 1); numbers.remove(numbers.size() - 1); count--; } } // Append element to list numbers.add(arr[p]); // Sort the list Collections.sort(numbers); } // If the list is not empty, then pop the elements and do its sum while (count != 0) { array_sum += numbers.get(numbers.size() - 1); numbers.remove(numbers.size() - 1); count--; } // Return the answer return array_sum; } public static void main(String[] args) { int len = 5; String alpha = "01010"; int[] arr = {30, 40, 3, 7, 20}; System.out.println("The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is " + getMaximumSum(arr, alpha, len)); } }
The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is 70
def getMaximumSum(arr, alpha, len): count = 0 array_sum = 0 numbers = [] # Iterate the string for p in range(len): if alpha[p] == '1': count += 1 else: # Pop all count number of elements from the list while count != 0: array_sum += numbers.pop() count -= 1 # Append element to list numbers.append(arr[p]) # Sort the list numbers.sort() # If the list is not empty, then pop the elements and do its sum while count != 0: array_sum += numbers.pop() count -= 1 # Return the answer return array_sum if __name__ == "__main__": len = 5 alpha = "01010" arr = [30, 40, 3, 7, 20] print("The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is", getMaximumSum(arr, alpha, len))
The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is 70
时间复杂度 - O(N*NlogN),其中 O(N) 用于遍历字符串,O(NlogN) 用于对数组进行排序。
空间复杂度 - O(N) 用于在列表中存储数组元素。
方法 2
我们可以插入元素,它会设置元素在排序顺序中的位置。当我们在二进制字符串中找到 '0' 时,我们可以从开头弹出元素。
步骤 1 - 将 'count' 和 'array_sum' 初始化为 0。
步骤 2 - 开始遍历二进制字符串。如果当前字符为 '1',则将 'count' 加 1。
步骤 3 - 如果当前字符为 '0',则使用循环从队列中删除 count 个元素并将其添加到 'array_sum' 变量。
步骤 4 - 将当前元素推入队列。
步骤 5 - 如果 count 不为零,则从队列中删除 count 个元素。
步骤 6 - 返回 'array_sum' 值。
#include <stdio.h> void swap(int *a, int *b) { int temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } void heapify(int arr[], int n, int i) { int largest = i; int left = 2 * i + 1; int right = 2 * i + 2; if (left < n && arr[left] > arr[largest]) { largest = left; } if (right < n && arr[right] > arr[largest]) { largest = right; } if (largest != i) { swap(&arr[i], &arr[largest]); heapify(arr, n, largest); } } void buildMaxHeap(int arr[], int n) { for (int i = n / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) { heapify(arr, n, i); } } int getMaximumSum(int arr[], char alpha[], int len) { int count = 0, array_sum = 0; // Build a max heap buildMaxHeap(arr, len); // Iterate the string for (int p = 0; p < len; p++) { if (alpha[p] == '1') { count++; } else { // Pop all count number of elements from the heap for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { array_sum += arr[0]; arr[0] = arr[len - 1 - i]; heapify(arr, len - i, 0); } count = 0; } } // If there are remaining elements in the heap, pop and sum them for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { array_sum += arr[0]; arr[0] = arr[len - 1 - i]; heapify(arr, len - i, 0); } // Return the answer return array_sum; } int main() { int len = 5; char alpha[] = "01010"; int arr[] = {30, 40, 3, 7, 20}; printf("The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is %d\n", getMaximumSum(arr, alpha, len)); return 0; }
The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is 70
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int getMaximumSum(int *arr, string alpha, int len) { int count = 0, array_sum = 0; priority_queue<int> queue; // Iterate the string for (int p = 0; p < len; p++) { if (alpha[p] == '1') { count++; } else { // Pop all count number of elements from the queue while (count != 0) { array_sum += queue.top(); queue.pop(); count--; } } // Insert element to queue queue.push(arr[p]); } // If the queue is not empty, then pop the elements and do its sum while (count != 0) { array_sum += queue.top(); queue.pop(); count--; } // return answer return array_sum; } int main() { int len = 5; string alpha = "01010"; int arr[] = {30, 40, 3, 7, 20}; cout << "The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is " << getMaximumSum(arr, alpha, len) << endl; return 0; }
The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is 70
import java.util.PriorityQueue; public class Main { public static int getMaximumSum(int[] arr, String alpha) { int count = 0; int array_sum = 0; PriorityQueue<Integer> queue = new PriorityQueue<Integer>((a, b) -> b - a); // Max heap to simulate the queue // Iterate the string for (int p = 0; p < alpha.length(); p++) { if (alpha.charAt(p) == '1') { count++; } else { // Pop all count number of elements from the queue while (count != 0) { array_sum += queue.poll(); count--; } } // Insert element into the queue queue.offer(arr[p]); } // If the queue is not empty, then pop the elements and do its sum while (count != 0) { array_sum += queue.poll(); count--; } return array_sum; } public static void main(String[] args) { int len = 5; String alpha = "01010"; int[] arr = {30, 40, 3, 7, 20}; System.out.println("The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is " + getMaximumSum(arr, alpha)); } }
The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is 70
def get_maximum_sum(arr, alpha): count = 0 array_sum = 0 queue = [] # List to simulate the queue # Iterate the string for i in range(len(alpha)): if alpha[i] == '1': count += 1 else: # Pop all count number of elements from the queue while count != 0: array_sum += queue.pop(0) count -= 1 # Insert element into the queue queue.append(arr[i]) # If the queue is not empty, then pop the elements and do its sum while count != 0: array_sum += queue.pop(0) count -= 1 return array_sum if __name__ == "__main__": length = 5 # Changed the variable name from "len" to "length" alpha = "01010" arr = [30, 40, 3, 7, 20] print("The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is", get_maximum_sum(arr, alpha))
The maximum sum of array elements according to the given condition is 70
时间复杂度 - O(N*logN),其中 O(N) 用于遍历字符串,O(logN) 用于将元素插入队列。
空间复杂度 - O(N),用于在队列中存储元素。