使用 C++ 中的迭代方法打印字符串的所有子序列
Input: ‘abc’ Output: ab, ac, abc
为了解决此问题,我们将迭代字符串并修复元音并检查下一个序列。让我们看一个寻找解决方案的算法 -
Step 1: Iterate of each character of the string, with variable i. Step 2: If the ith character is a vowel. Step 3: If the jth character is a consonant. Step 4: Add to the HashSet, substring from 1st character to jth character. Step 5: Repeat the following steps and find substrings from the string.
在迭代方法中,我们将迭代所有字符串。从 1 到 2legth(string)−1。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; string subString(string s, int binary){ string sub = ""; int pos; while(binary>0){ pos=log2(binary&-binary)+1; sub=s[pos-1]+sub; binary= (binary & ~(1 << (pos-1))); } reverse(sub.begin(),sub.end()); return sub; } void findAllSubStrings(string s){ map<int, set<string> > sorted_subsequence; int len = s.size(); int limit = pow(2, len); for (int i = 1; i <= limit - 1; i++) { string sub = subString(s, i); sorted_subsequence[sub.length()].insert(sub); } for (auto it : sorted_subsequence) { for (auto ii : it.second) cout<<ii<<" "; cout<<"\t"; } } int main() { string s = "wxyz"; cout<<"The substring are :\n"; findAllSubStrings(s); return 0; }
子字符串是 -
w x y z wx wy wz xy xz yz wxy wxz wyz xyz wxyz