使用 C++ 打印二叉树顶部视图中的节点的程序
对于特定的二叉树,如果一个节点在其水平距离内是第一个节点,那么该节点出现在其顶部视图中。节点 x 的左节点的水平距离为 x-1,节点 x 的右节点的水平距离为 x+1。
#include <iostream> #include<queue> #include<map> using namespace std; struct Node{ Node * left; Node* right; int h_dist; int data; }; Node* create_node(int key){ Node* node=new Node(); node->left = node->right = NULL; node->data=key; return node; } void print_topview(Node* root){ if(root==NULL) return; queue<Node*>q; map<int,int> m; int h_dist=0; root->h_dist=h_dist; q.push(root); cout<< "Top View for the given tree:" << endl; while(q.size()){ h_dist=root->h_dist; if(m.count(h_dist)==0) m[h_dist]=root->data; if(root->left){ root->left->h_dist=h_dist-1; q.push(root->left); } if(root->right){ root->right->h_dist=h_dist+1; q.push(root->right); } q.pop(); root=q.front(); } for(auto i=m.begin();i!=m.end();i++){ cout<<i->second<< " "; } } int main(){ Node* root = create_node(11); root->left = create_node(23); root->right = create_node(35); root->left->right = create_node(47); root->left->right->right = create_node(59); root->left->right->right->right = create_node(68); print_topview(root); return 0; }
Top View for the given tree: 23 11 35 68