Python Pandas - 获取指定标签的整数位置,并在没有精确匹配时查找最近的索引值
要获取指定标签的整数位置,并在没有精确匹配时查找最近的索引值,可以使用 **index.get_loc()**。将 **method** 参数值设置为 **nearest**。
import pandas as pd
创建 Pandas 索引:
index = pd.Index([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70])
显示 Pandas 索引:
print("Pandas Index...\n",index)
如果找不到精确匹配,则获取最近索引值的位置。使用 get_loc() 方法的 "method" 参数将值设置为 "nearest"。
print("\nGet the location of the nearest index if no exact match...\n", index.get_loc(58, method="nearest"))
import pandas as pd # Creating Pandas index index = pd.Index([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) # Display the Pandas index print("Pandas Index...\n",index) # Return the number of elements in the Index print("\nNumber of elements in the index...\n",index.size) # get integer location from the given index print("\nDisplay integer location from given index...\n",index.get_loc(20)) print("\nDisplay integer location from given index...\n",index.get_loc(50)) # Get the location of the nearest index value if no exact match # The value is set "nearest" using the "method" parameter of the get_loc() print("\nGet the location of the nearest index if no exact match...\n", index.get_loc(58, method="nearest"))
Pandas Index... Int64Index([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70], dtype='int64') Number of elements in the index... 7 Display integer location from given index... 1 Display integer location from given index... 4 Get the location of the nearest index if no exact match... 5