Python Pandas - 在 MultiIndex 中获取标签序列的位置

要获取 MultiIndex 中标签序列的位置,请在 Pandas 中使用 MutiIndex.get_locs() 方法。

首先,导入所需的库 −

import pandas as pd

MultiIndex 是 pandas 对象的多级或层次化的索引对象 −

multiIndex = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([list('pqrrst'), list('kytssp')])

显示 MultiIndex −

print("The MultiIndex...\n",multiIndex)

获取标签序列的位置 −

print("\nGet the locations in MultiIndex...\n",multiIndex.get_locs('s'))


以下为代码 −

import pandas as pd

# MultiIndex is a multi-level, or hierarchical, index object for pandas objects
multiIndex = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([list('pqrrst'), list('kytssp')])

# display the MultiIndex
print("The MultiIndex...\n",multiIndex)

# get the levels in MultiIndex
print("\nThe levels in MultiIndex...\n",multiIndex.levels)

# Get the location for a sequence of labels
print("\nGet the locations in MultiIndex...\n",multiIndex.get_locs('s'))


这将产生以下输出 −

The MultiIndex...
MultiIndex([('p', 'k'),
            ('q', 'y'),
            ('r', 't'),
            ('r', 's'),
            ('s', 's'),
            ('t', 'p')],

The levels in MultiIndex...
   [['p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't'], ['k', 'p', 's', 't', 'y']]

Get the locations in MultiIndex...

更新于: 19-Oct-2021

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