Python - 使用 Matplotlib 处理 PNG 图像
Matplotlib 是 Python 中一个用于 2D 数组绘图的出色可视化库。Matplotlib 是建立在 NumPy 数组的基础上,为配合更广泛的 SciPy 堆栈而设计的一个多平台数据可视化库。
#applying pseudocolor # importing pyplot and image from matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as img # reading png image im = img.imread('imR.png') # applying pseudocolor # default value of colormap is used. lum = im[:, :, 0] # show image plt.imshow(lum) #colorbar # importing pyplot and image from matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as img # reading png image im = img.imread('imR.png') lum = im[:, :, 0] # setting colormap as hot plt.imshow(lum, cmap ='hot') plt.colorbar() #interpolation # importing PIL and matplotlib from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # reading png image file img ='imR.png') # resizing the image img.thumbnail((50, 50), Image.ANTIALIAS) imgplot = plt.imshow(img) #bicubic value for interpolation # importing pyplot from matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # importing image from PIL from PIL import Image # reading image img ='imR.png') img.thumbnail((30, 30), Image.ANTIALIAS) # bicubic used for interpolation imgplot = plt.imshow(img, interpolation ='bicubic')#sinc value for interpolation # sinc value for interpolation # importing PIL and matplotlib from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # reading image img ='imR.png') img.thumbnail((30, 30), Image.ANTIALIAS) # sinc used for interpolation imgplot = plt.imshow(img, interpolation ='sinc')