- Python 数字取证
- Python 数字取证 - 首页
- 介绍
- Python 入门
- 痕迹报告
- 移动设备取证
- 调查嵌入式元数据
- 网络取证-I
- 网络取证-II
- 使用电子邮件进行调查
- Windows-I 中的重要痕迹
- Windows-II 中的重要痕迹
- Windows-III 中的重要痕迹
- 基于日志的痕迹调查
- Python 数字取证资源
- 快速指南
- Python 数字取证 - 资源
- Python 数字取证 - 讨论
Windows-III 中的重要痕迹
本章将解释调查人员在 Windows 上进行取证分析期间可以获取的更多痕迹。
Windows 事件日志文件,顾名思义,是存储重要事件的特殊文件,例如用户何时登录计算机、程序何时遇到错误、系统更改、RDP 访问、特定应用程序事件等。网络调查人员始终对事件日志信息感兴趣,因为它提供了大量有关系统访问的有用历史信息。在以下 Python 脚本中,我们将处理传统和当前的 Windows 事件日志格式。
对于 Python 脚本,我们需要安装第三方模块,即pytsk3、pyewf、unicodecsv、pyevt 和 pyevtx。我们可以按照以下步骤从事件日志中提取信息:
Python 代码
让我们看看如何为此目的使用 Python 代码:
首先,导入以下 Python 库:
from __future__ import print_function import argparse import unicodecsv as csv import os import pytsk3 import pyewf import pyevt import pyevtx import sys from utility.pytskutil import TSKUtil
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Information from Event Logs') parser.add_argument("EVIDENCE_FILE", help = "Evidence file path") parser.add_argument("TYPE", help = "Type of Evidence",choices = ("raw", "ewf")) parser.add_argument( "LOG_NAME",help = "Event Log Name (SecEvent.Evt, SysEvent.Evt, ""etc.)") parser.add_argument( "-d", help = "Event log directory to scan",default = "/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINEVT") parser.add_argument( "-f", help = "Enable fuzzy search for either evt or"" evtx extension", action = "store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if os.path.exists(args.EVIDENCE_FILE) and \ os.path.isfile(args.EVIDENCE_FILE): main(args.EVIDENCE_FILE, args.TYPE, args.LOG_NAME, args.d, args.f) else: print("[-] Supplied input file {} does not exist or is not a ""file".format(args.EVIDENCE_FILE)) sys.exit(1)
def main(evidence, image_type, log, win_event, fuzzy): tsk_util = TSKUtil(evidence, image_type) event_dir = tsk_util.query_directory(win_event) if event_dir is not None: if fuzzy is True: event_log = tsk_util.recurse_files(log, path=win_event) else: event_log = tsk_util.recurse_files(log, path=win_event, logic="equal") if event_log is not None: event_data = [] for hit in event_log: event_file = hit[2] temp_evt = write_file(event_file)
def write_file(event_file): with open(event_file.info.name.name, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(event_file.read_random(0, event_file.info.meta.size)) return event_file.info.name.name if pyevt.check_file_signature(temp_evt): evt_log = pyevt.open(temp_evt) print("[+] Identified {} records in {}".format( evt_log.number_of_records, temp_evt)) for i, record in enumerate(evt_log.records): strings = "" for s in record.strings: if s is not None: strings += s + "\n" event_data.append([ i, hit[0], record.computer_name, record.user_security_identifier, record.creation_time, record.written_time, record.event_category, record.source_name, record.event_identifier, record.event_type, strings, "", os.path.join(win_event, hit[1].lstrip("//")) ]) elif pyevtx.check_file_signature(temp_evt): evtx_log = pyevtx.open(temp_evt) print("[+] Identified {} records in {}".format( evtx_log.number_of_records, temp_evt)) for i, record in enumerate(evtx_log.records): strings = "" for s in record.strings: if s is not None: strings += s + "\n" event_data.append([ i, hit[0], record.computer_name, record.user_security_identifier, "", record.written_time, record.event_level, record.source_name, record.event_identifier, "", strings, record.xml_string, os.path.join(win_event, hit[1].lstrip("//")) ]) else: print("[-] {} not a valid event log. Removing temp" file...".format(temp_evt)) os.remove(temp_evt) continue write_output(event_data) else: print("[-] {} Event log not found in {} directory".format(log, win_event)) sys.exit(3) else: print("[-] Win XP Event Log Directory {} not found".format(win_event)) sys.exit(2
def write_output(data): output_name = "parsed_event_logs.csv" print("[+] Writing {} to current working directory: {}".format( output_name, os.getcwd())) with open(output_name, "wb") as outfile: writer = csv.writer(outfile) writer.writerow([ "Index", "File name", "Computer Name", "SID", "Event Create Date", "Event Written Date", "Event Category/Level", "Event Source", "Event ID", "Event Type", "Data", "XML Data", "File Path" ]) writer.writerows(data)
互联网历史记录对于取证分析师非常有用;因为大多数网络犯罪仅发生在互联网上。让我们看看如何从 Internet Explorer 中提取互联网历史记录,因为我们正在讨论 Windows 取证,而 Internet Explorer 是 Windows 的默认浏览器。
在 Internet Explorer 中,互联网历史记录保存在index.dat文件中。让我们看一下 Python 脚本,它将从index.dat文件中提取信息。
现在,将所有这些信息写入 CSV 报告。
Python 代码
让我们看看如何为此目的使用 Python 代码:
首先,导入以下 Python 库:
from __future__ import print_function import argparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os import pytsk3 import pyewf import pymsiecf import sys import unicodecsv as csv from utility.pytskutil import TSKUtil
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('getting information from internet history') parser.add_argument("EVIDENCE_FILE", help = "Evidence file path") parser.add_argument("TYPE", help = "Type of Evidence",choices = ("raw", "ewf")) parser.add_argument("-d", help = "Index.dat directory to scan",default = "/USERS") args = parser.parse_args() if os.path.exists(args.EVIDENCE_FILE) and os.path.isfile(args.EVIDENCE_FILE): main(args.EVIDENCE_FILE, args.TYPE, args.d) else: print("[-] Supplied input file {} does not exist or is not a ""file".format(args.EVIDENCE_FILE)) sys.exit(1)
现在,通过创建TSKUtil对象来解释证据文件,并遍历文件系统以查找 index.dat 文件。这可以通过定义main()函数来完成,如下所示:
def main(evidence, image_type, path): tsk_util = TSKUtil(evidence, image_type) index_dir = tsk_util.query_directory(path) if index_dir is not None: index_files = tsk_util.recurse_files("index.dat", path = path,logic = "equal") if index_files is not None: print("[+] Identified {} potential index.dat files".format(len(index_files))) index_data = [] for hit in index_files: index_file = hit[2] temp_index = write_file(index_file)
现在,定义一个函数,借助该函数我们可以将 index.dat 文件的信息复制到当前工作目录,以后可以由第三方模块对其进行处理:
def write_file(index_file): with open(index_file.info.name.name, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(index_file.read_random(0, index_file.info.meta.size)) return index_file.info.name.name
if pymsiecf.check_file_signature(temp_index): index_dat = pymsiecf.open(temp_index) print("[+] Identified {} records in {}".format( index_dat.number_of_items, temp_index)) for i, record in enumerate(index_dat.items): try: data = record.data if data is not None: data = data.rstrip("\x00") except AttributeError: if isinstance(record, pymsiecf.redirected): index_data.append([ i, temp_index, "", "", "", "", "",record.location, "", "", record.offset,os.path.join(path, hit[1].lstrip("//"))]) elif isinstance(record, pymsiecf.leak): index_data.append([ i, temp_index, record.filename, "","", "", "", "", "", "", record.offset,os.path.join(path, hit[1].lstrip("//"))]) continue index_data.append([ i, temp_index, record.filename, record.type, record.primary_time, record.secondary_time, record.last_checked_time, record.location, record.number_of_hits, data, record.offset, os.path.join(path, hit[1].lstrip("//")) ]) else: print("[-] {} not a valid index.dat file. Removing " "temp file..".format(temp_index)) os.remove("index.dat") continue os.remove("index.dat") write_output(index_data) else: print("[-] Index.dat files not found in {} directory".format(path)) sys.exit(3) else: print("[-] Directory {} not found".format(win_event)) sys.exit(2)
现在,定义一个方法,该方法将以 CSV 文件的形式打印输出,如下所示:
def write_output(data): output_name = "Internet_Indexdat_Summary_Report.csv" print("[+] Writing {} with {} parsed index.dat files to current " "working directory: {}".format(output_name, len(data),os.getcwd())) with open(output_name, "wb") as outfile: writer = csv.writer(outfile) writer.writerow(["Index", "File Name", "Record Name", "Record Type", "Primary Date", "Secondary Date", "Last Checked Date", "Location", "No. of Hits", "Record Data", "Record Offset", "File Path"]) writer.writerows(data)
运行上述脚本后,我们将在 CSV 文件中获得 index.dat 文件的信息。
卷影副本是 Windows 中包含的技术,用于手动或自动备份计算机文件的副本或快照。它也称为卷快照服务或卷影服务 (VSS)。
借助这些 VSS 文件,取证专家可以了解有关系统如何随时间推移发生变化以及计算机上存在哪些文件的一些历史信息。卷影副本技术要求文件系统为 NTFS 才能创建和存储卷影副本。
在本节中,我们将看到一个 Python 脚本,该脚本有助于访问取证映像中存在的任何卷影副本卷。
对于 Python 脚本,我们需要安装第三方模块,即pytsk3、pyewf、unicodecsv、pyvshadow和vss。我们可以按照以下步骤从 VSS 文件中提取信息
首先,访问原始映像的卷并识别所有 NTFS 分区。
Python 代码
让我们看看如何为此目的使用 Python 代码:
首先,导入以下 Python 库:
from __future__ import print_function import argparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os import pytsk3 import pyewf import pyvshadow import sys import unicodecsv as csv from utility import vss from utility.pytskutil import TSKUtil from utility import pytskutil
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Parsing Shadow Copies') parser.add_argument("EVIDENCE_FILE", help = "Evidence file path") parser.add_argument("OUTPUT_CSV", help = "Output CSV with VSS file listing") args = parser.parse_args()
directory = os.path.dirname(args.OUTPUT_CSV) if not os.path.exists(directory) and directory != "": os.makedirs(directory) if os.path.exists(args.EVIDENCE_FILE) and \ os.path.isfile(args.EVIDENCE_FILE): main(args.EVIDENCE_FILE, args.OUTPUT_CSV) else: print("[-] Supplied input file {} does not exist or is not a " "file".format(args.EVIDENCE_FILE)) sys.exit(1)
def main(evidence, output): tsk_util = TSKUtil(evidence, "raw") img_vol = tsk_util.return_vol() if img_vol is not None: for part in img_vol: if tsk_util.detect_ntfs(img_vol, part): print("Exploring NTFS Partition for VSS") explore_vss(evidence, part.start * img_vol.info.block_size,output) else: print("[-] Must be a physical preservation to be compatible ""with this script") sys.exit(2)
def explore_vss(evidence, part_offset, output): vss_volume = pyvshadow.volume() vss_handle = vss.VShadowVolume(evidence, part_offset) vss_count = vss.GetVssStoreCount(evidence, part_offset) if vss_count > 0: vss_volume.open_file_object(vss_handle) vss_data = [] for x in range(vss_count): print("Gathering data for VSC {} of {}".format(x, vss_count)) vss_store = vss_volume.get_store(x) image = vss.VShadowImgInfo(vss_store) vss_data.append(pytskutil.openVSSFS(image, x)) write_csv(vss_data, output)
def write_csv(data, output): if data == []: print("[-] No output results to write") sys.exit(3) print("[+] Writing output to {}".format(output)) if os.path.exists(output): append = True with open(output, "ab") as csvfile: csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile) headers = ["VSS", "File", "File Ext", "File Type", "Create Date", "Modify Date", "Change Date", "Size", "File Path"] if not append: csv_writer.writerow(headers) for result_list in data: csv_writer.writerows(result_list)
成功运行此 Python 脚本后,我们将获得驻留在 VSS 中的信息到电子表格中。