Java 中哪个包包含 Wrapper 类?
Java 在 java.lang 包中提供了一些称为包装类的类。这些类的对象在其内部包装基本数据类型。以下是基本数据类型及其各自类的列表 -
基本数据类型 | 包装类 |
char | Character |
byte | Byte |
short | Short |
int | Integer |
long | Long |
float | Float |
double | Double |
boolean | Boolean |
Java 中的包装类属于 java.lang 包,因此在使用它们时无需显式导入任何包。
以下 Java 示例接受用户的各种基本变量并创建它们各自的包装类。
import java.util.Scanner; public class WrapperClassesExample { public static void main(String args[]){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter an integer value: "); int i = sc.nextInt(); //Wrapper class of an integer Integer obj1 = new Integer(i); System.out.println("Enter a long value: "); long l = sc.nextLong(); //Wrapper class of a long Long obj2 = new Long(l); System.out.println("Enter a float value: "); float f = sc.nextFloat(); //Wrapper class of a float Float obj3 = new Float(f); System.out.println("Enter a double value: "); double d = sc.nextDouble(); //Wrapper class of a double Double obj4 = new Double(d); System.out.println("Enter a boolean value: "); boolean bool = sc.nextBoolean(); //Wrapper class of a boolean Boolean obj5 = new Boolean(bool); System.out.println("Enter a char value: "); char ch =[0]; //Wrapper class of a boolean Character obj6 = new Character(ch); System.out.println("Enter a byte value: "); byte by = sc.nextByte(); //Wrapper class of a boolean Byte obj7 = new Byte(by); System.out.println("Enter a short value: "); short sh = sc.nextShort(); //Wrapper class of a boolean Short obj8 = new Short(sh); } }
Enter an integer value: 254 Enter a long value: 4444445455454 Enter a float value: 12.324 Enter a double value: 1236.22325 Enter a boolean value: true Enter a char value: c Enter a byte value: 125 Enter a short value: 14233