Angular Material - 环境搭建

如何使用 Angular Material?

有两种方法可以使用 Angular Material:

  • 本地安装 - 你可以使用 npm、jspm 或 bower 在本地机器上下载 Angular Material 库,并将其包含在你的 HTML 代码中。

  • 基于 CDN 的版本 - 你可以直接从内容分发网络 (CDN) 将 angular-material.min.css 和 angular-material.js 文件包含到你的 HTML 代码中。


在我们使用以下 npm 命令之前,需要在系统上安装 NodeJS。要获取有关 NodeJS 的信息,请点击 这里 并打开 NodeJS 命令行界面。我们将使用以下命令安装 Angular Material 库。

npm install angular-material


angular-animate@1.5.2 node_modules\angular-animate

angular-aria@1.5.2 node_modules\angular-aria

angular-messages@1.5.2 node_modules\angular-messages

angular@1.5.2 node_modules\angular

angular-material@1.0.6 node_modules\angular-material

npm 将在 node_modules > angular-material 文件夹下下载文件。按照以下示例中的说明包含这些文件:


现在,你可以按照如下方式将 cssjs 文件包含在你的 HTML 文件中:

<html lang = "en">
      <link rel = "stylesheet"
         href = "">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">    
         angular.module('firstApplication', ['ngMaterial']);
   <body ng-app = "firstApplication" ng-cloak>
      <md-toolbar class = "md-warn">
         <div class = "md-toolbar-tools">
            <h2 class = "md-flex">HTML 5</h2>
      <md-content flex layout-padding>
         <p>HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML standard superseding HTML
         4.01, XHTML 1.0, and XHTML 1.1. HTML5 is a standard for structuring and
         presenting content on the World Wide Web.</p>
         <p>HTML5 is a cooperation between the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and
         the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).</p>
         <p>The new standard incorporates features like video playback and drag-and-drop
         that have been previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins such as
         Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Google Gears.</p>


基于 CDN 的版本

你可以直接从内容分发网络 (CDN) 将 angular-material.cssangular-material.js 文件包含到你的 HTML 代码中。Google CDN 提供最新版本的內容。

在本教程中,我们始终使用 Google CDN 版本的库。


现在让我们使用来自 Google CDN 的 angular-material.min.cssangular-material.min.js 重写上面的示例。

<html lang = "en" >
      <link rel = "stylesheet"
         href = "">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>

      <script type = "text/javascript">    
         angular.module('firstApplication', ['ngMaterial']);
   <body ng-app = "firstApplication" ng-cloak>
      <md-toolbar class = "md-warn">
         <div class = "md-toolbar-tools">
            <h2 class = "md-flex">HTML 5</h2>
      <md-content flex layout-padding>
         <p>HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML standard superseding HTML 4.01,
         XHTML 1.0, and XHTML 1.1. HTML5 is a standard for structuring and presenting 
         content on the World Wide Web.</p>

         <p>HTML5 is a cooperation between the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web
         ypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).</p>
         <p>The new standard incorporates features like video playback and drag-and-drop
         that have been previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins such as Adobe
         Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Google Gears.</p>

