Chef - 菜谱

菜谱是 Chef 的基本工作单元,它包含所有与工作单元相关的细节,能够修改 Chef 基础架构上配置为节点的任何系统的配置和状态。菜谱可以执行多个任务。菜谱包含关于节点所需状态的值。这在 Chef 中是通过使用所需的外部库实现的。


  • 菜谱
  • 元数据
  • 属性
  • 资源
  • 模板
  • 任何其他有助于创建系统的内容



  • 使用 chef 命令
  • 使用 knife 实用程序

使用 Chef 命令

要使用 Chef 命令创建空菜谱,请运行以下命令。

C:\Users\vipinkumarm>chef generate cookbook <Cookbook Name> 
C:\Users\vipinkumarm>chef generate cookbook VTest
Installing Cookbook Gems:

Compiling Cookbooks...
Recipe: code_generator::cookbook
   * directory[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest] action create
      - create new directory C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest
   * template[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/metadata.rb] action create_if_missing
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/metadata.rb
      - update content in file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/metadata.rb 
         from none to 4b9435 (diff output suppressed by config)

   * template[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/] action create_if_missing
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/
      - update content in file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/ 
         from none to 482077 (diff output suppressed by config)

   * cookbook_file[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/chefignore] action create
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/chefignore
      - update content in file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/chefignore 
         from none to 15fac5 (diff output suppressed by config)
   * cookbook_file[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/Berksfile] action create_if_missing
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/Berksfile
      - update content in file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/Berksfile 
         from none to 9f08dc (diff output suppressed by config)

   * template[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/.kitchen.yml] action create_if_missing
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/.kitchen.yml
      - update content in file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/.kitchen.yml 
         from none to 93c5bd (diff output suppressed by config)

   * directory[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/test/integration/default/serverspec]
      action create
      - create new directory
   * directory[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/test/integration/helpers/serverspec]
      action create
      - create new directory
   * cookbook_file
      [C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/test/integration/helpers/serverspec/sp ec_helper.rb]
      action create_if_missing
      - create new file
      - update content in file
         from none to d85df4 (diff output suppressed by config)
   * template
      [C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/test/integration/default/serverspec/default _spec.rb]
      action create_if_missing
      - create new file
      - update content in file
         from none to 758b94 (diff output suppressed by config)
   * directory[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/spec/unit/recipes] action create
      - create new directory C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/spec/unit/recipes
   * cookbook_file[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/spec/spec_helper.rb]
      action create_if_missing
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/spec/spec_helper.rb
      - update content in file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/spec/spec_helper.rb
         from none to 587075 (diff output suppressed by config)

   * template[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb]
      action create_if_missing
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb
      - update content in file 
         from none to 779503 (diff output suppressed by config)
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/recipes/default.rb
      - update content in file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/recipes/default.rb
         from none to 8cc381 (diff output suppressed by config)

   * cookbook_file[C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/.gitignore] action create
      - create new file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/.gitignore
      - update content in file C:/Users/vipinkumarm/VTest/.gitignore from none to 33d469
         (diff output suppressed by config)

名为 VTest 的菜谱结构将被创建在目录中,其结构如下。


使用 Knife 实用程序

使用以下命令使用 knife 实用程序创建菜谱。

C:\Users\vipinkumarm\VTest>knife cookbook create VTest2 
WARNING: No knife configuration file found 
** Creating cookbook VTest2 in C:/chef/cookbooks 
** Creating README for cookbook: VTest2 
** Creating CHANGELOG for cookbook: VTest2 
** Creating metadata for cookbook: VTest2 

