- 死锁
- 竞争条件
步骤 1 - 在此步骤中,我们需要导入 threading 模块 -
import threading
步骤 2 - 现在,定义一个全局变量,例如 x,以及其值为 0 -
x = 0
步骤 3 - 现在,我们需要定义 increment_global() 函数,它将在该全局函数 x 中递增 1 -
def increment_global(): global x x += 1
步骤 4 - 在此步骤中,我们将定义 taskofThread() 函数,它将调用 increment_global() 函数指定次数;对于我们的示例,为 50000 次 -
def taskofThread(): for _ in range(50000): increment_global()
步骤 5 - 现在,定义 main() 函数,其中创建线程 t1 和 t2。两者都将使用 start() 函数启动,并使用 join() 函数等待它们完成工作。
def main(): global x x = 0 t1 = threading.Thread(target= taskofThread) t2 = threading.Thread(target= taskofThread) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join()
步骤 6 - 现在,我们需要指定范围,即我们希望调用 main() 函数多少次。在这里,我们调用它 5 次。
if __name__ == "__main__": for i in range(5): main() print("x = {1} after Iteration {0}".format(i,x))
在下面显示的输出中,我们可以看到竞争条件的影响,因为每次迭代后 x 的值预期为 100000。但是,值存在很大差异。这是由于线程对共享全局变量 x 的并发访问造成的。
x = 100000 after Iteration 0 x = 54034 after Iteration 1 x = 80230 after Iteration 2 x = 93602 after Iteration 3 x = 93289 after Iteration 4
正如我们在上面的程序中看到了竞争条件的影响,我们需要一个同步工具来处理多个线程之间的竞争条件。在 Python 中,<threading> 模块提供 Lock 类来处理竞争条件。此外,Lock 类提供了不同的方法,我们可以通过这些方法来处理多个线程之间的竞争条件。这些方法描述如下:
acquire() 方法
将值设置为 True - 如果使用 True 调用 acquire() 方法(这是默认参数),则线程执行将被阻塞,直到锁被解锁。
将值设置为 False - 如果使用 False 调用 acquire() 方法(这不是默认参数),则线程执行不会被阻塞,直到它被设置为 true,即直到它被锁定。
release() 方法
如果锁已锁定,则 release() 方法将解锁它。它的作用是在多个线程被阻塞并等待锁解锁时,允许恰好一个线程继续执行。
如果锁已解锁,它将引发 ThreadError。
现在,我们可以使用 Lock 类及其方法重写上面的程序,以避免竞争条件。我们需要使用 lock 参数定义 taskofThread() 方法,然后需要使用 acquire() 和 release() 方法来阻塞和非阻塞锁,以避免竞争条件。
以下是 Python 程序的示例,用于了解处理竞争条件的锁的概念:
import threading x = 0 def increment_global(): global x x += 1 def taskofThread(lock): for _ in range(50000): lock.acquire() increment_global() lock.release() def main(): global x x = 0 lock = threading.Lock() t1 = threading.Thread(target = taskofThread, args = (lock,)) t2 = threading.Thread(target = taskofThread, args = (lock,)) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() if __name__ == "__main__": for i in range(5): main() print("x = {1} after Iteration {0}".format(i,x))
以下输出显示竞争条件的影响被忽略了;因为每次迭代后 x 的值现在都是 100000,这符合该程序的预期。
x = 100000 after Iteration 0 x = 100000 after Iteration 1 x = 100000 after Iteration 2 x = 100000 after Iteration 3 x = 100000 after Iteration 4
死锁 - 哲学家就餐问题
Edsger Dijkstra 最初提出了哲学家就餐问题,这是并发系统最大问题之一的著名示例,称为死锁。
Python 程序解决方案
以下 Python 程序将帮助我们找到哲学家就餐问题的解决方案:
import threading import random import time class DiningPhilosopher(threading.Thread): running = True def __init__(self, xname, Leftfork, Rightfork): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.name = xname self.Leftfork = Leftfork self.Rightfork = Rightfork def run(self): while(self.running): time.sleep( random.uniform(3,13)) print ('%s is hungry.' % self.name) self.dine() def dine(self): fork1, fork2 = self.Leftfork, self.Rightfork while self.running: fork1.acquire(True) locked = fork2.acquire(False) if locked: break fork1.release() print ('%s swaps forks' % self.name) fork1, fork2 = fork2, fork1 else: return self.dining() fork2.release() fork1.release() def dining(self): print ('%s starts eating '% self.name) time.sleep(random.uniform(1,10)) print ('%s finishes eating and now thinking.' % self.name) def Dining_Philosophers(): forks = [threading.Lock() for n in range(5)] philosopherNames = ('1st','2nd','3rd','4th', '5th') philosophers= [DiningPhilosopher(philosopherNames[i], forks[i%5], forks[(i+1)%5]) \ for i in range(5)] random.seed() DiningPhilosopher.running = True for p in philosophers: p.start() time.sleep(30) DiningPhilosopher.running = False print (" It is finishing.") Dining_Philosophers()
上面的程序使用了贪婪和慷慨哲学家的概念。该程序还使用了 <threading> 模块的 Lock 类的 acquire() 和 release() 方法。我们可以在以下输出中看到解决方案:
4th is hungry. 4th starts eating 1st is hungry. 1st starts eating 2nd is hungry. 5th is hungry. 3rd is hungry. 1st finishes eating and now thinking.3rd swaps forks 2nd starts eating 4th finishes eating and now thinking. 3rd swaps forks5th starts eating 5th finishes eating and now thinking. 4th is hungry. 4th starts eating 2nd finishes eating and now thinking. 3rd swaps forks 1st is hungry. 1st starts eating 4th finishes eating and now thinking. 3rd starts eating 5th is hungry. 5th swaps forks 1st finishes eating and now thinking. 5th starts eating 2nd is hungry. 2nd swaps forks 4th is hungry. 5th finishes eating and now thinking. 3rd finishes eating and now thinking. 2nd starts eating 4th starts eating It is finishing.