假设我们有一个维度为h x w的矩阵,矩阵包含英文字母。我们必须创建一个另一个矩阵,该矩阵包含回文行和回文列,即每一行和每一列都是回文。为此,可以对给定矩阵的行和列进行任何排列;但不能更改任何元素,例如'a'不能更改为'b'。如果可以从给定矩阵创建一个回文矩阵,则返回true;否则,返回false。
因此,如果输入类似于h = 4,w = 4,mat = {"xxyy", "xyxx", "yxxy", "xyyy"},则输出为true。
Define one map mp Define an array count of size 4. for initialize i := 0, when i < h, update (increase i by 1), do: for initialize j := 0, when j < w, update (increase j by 1), do: (increase tp[mat[i, j]] by 1) for each value val in tp, do: increase count[second value of val mod 4] by 1 check := true if h mod 2 is same as 0 and w mod 2 is same as 0, then: if count[1] + count[2] + count[3] > 0, then: check := false otherwise when h mod 2 is same as 1 and w mod 2 is same as 1, then: if count[1] + count[3] > 1, then: check := false otherwise when count[2] > h / 2 + w / 2, then: check := false Otherwise if count[1] + count[3] > 0, then: check := false otherwise when h mod 2 is same as 1 and count[2] > w / 2, then: check := false otherwise when w mod 2 is same as 1 and count[2] > h / 2, then: check := false return check
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int INF = 1e9; bool solve(int h, int w, vector<string> mat){ map<char, int> tp; vector<int> count(4); for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) tp[mat[i][j]]++; } for (auto val : tp) count[val.second % 4]++; bool check = true; if (h % 2 == 0 && w % 2 == 0) { if (count[1] + count[2] + count[3] > 0) check = false; } else if (h % 2 == 1 && w % 2 == 1) { if (count[1]+count[3] > 1) check = false; else if (count[2] > h / 2 + w / 2) check = false; } else { if (count[1] + count[3] > 0) check = false; else if (h % 2 == 1 && count[2] > w / 2) check = false; else if (w % 2 == 1 && count[2] > h / 2) check = false; } return check; } int main() { int h = 4, w = 4; vector<string> mat = {"xxyy", "xyxx", "yxxy", "xyyy"}; cout<< solve(h, w, mat); return 0; }
4, 4, {"xxyy", "xyxx", "yxxy", "xyyy"}