使用 Park-Miller 随机数生成算法实现 C++ 程序
Park-Miller 随机数生成算法是生成随机数的另一种方法。
这种类型的随机数生成器 (RNG) 的通用公式为:X_{k+1} = g X(k) mod n
其中模数 n 是素数或素数的幂,乘法器 g 是模 n 的高乘法阶元素,种子 X0 与 n 互素。
Begin Declare variables n, a, b, c and seed Read variables n, a, b, c and seed Uniform() Declare variable hi, lo, t hi=seed divided by b lo = seed - b * hi t = a * lo - c * hi if (t > 0) seed = t; else seed = t + n; return seed; Done For i =0 to n Call the function random Done End
#include <iostream> using namespace std; const long n = 2145678965L; const long a = 763214L; const long b = 88844L; const long c = 7766L; i static long seed = 12345678L; double uniform() { long hi = seed / b; long lo = seed - b * hi; long t = a * lo - c * hi; if (t > 0) seed = t; else seed = t + n; return seed; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { double A[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) A[i] = uniform(); cout << "Random numbers are:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << A[i] << endl; }
Random numbers are: 6.50293e+10 4.27187e+10 2.1539e+10 4.62058e+10 1.70792e+10 8.24569e+09 5.93381e+10 3.63839e+10 4.81931e+10 8.91007e+09