EmberJS - 推送记录



下面给出的示例展示了将记录推送到 firebase 中。使用以下代码打开在 app/templates/ 下创建的 application.hbs 文件:

<h2>Pushing Record into Store</h2>
   {{input type = "name" value = nameAddress placeholder = "Enter the text" 
      autofocus = "autofocus"}}
   //when user clicks the send button, the 'saveInvitation' action will get triggered
   <button {{action 'saveInvitation'}} >Send</button> 

{{#if responseMessage}}
   //display the response sessage after sending the text successfully

使用 invitation 名称创建模型,该模型将在 app/models/ 下创建。打开文件,并包括以下代码:

import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.Model.extend ({
   //specifying attribute using 'attr()' method
   name: DS.attr('string')

接下来,创建一个名称为 application 的控制器,该控制器将在 app/controllers/ 中创建。打开文件,并添加以下代码:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend ({
   headerMessage: 'Coming Soon',
   //displays the response message after sending record to store
   responseMessage: '',
   nameAddress: '',

   actions: {
      //this action name which fires when user clicks send button
      saveInvitation() {
         const name = this.get('nameAddress');
         //create the records on the store by calling createRecord() method
         const newInvitation = this.store.createRecord('invitation', { name: name });
         newInvitation.save(); //call the save() method to persist the record to the backend
         this.set('responseMessage', `Thank you! We have saved your Name: ${this.get('nameAddress')}`);
         this.set('nameAddress', '');

你可以在 JSON 格式下存储 Ember Firebase 上的信息。为此,你需要使用 Firebase 的网站 创建帐户。要了解有关如何在应用程序中创建和配置 Firebase 的更多信息,请点击此 链接


运行 ember 服务端,你将获得一个输入框以输入值,如下面的屏幕截图中所示:

Ember.js Push Records into Store


Ember.js Push Records into Store

现在打开你的 Firebase 数据库,你将看到存储在 数据库 部分下的值:

Ember.js Push Records into Store