使用 C++ 查找 N 个阶乘之和的最后两位数字。

这里,我们来看如何获取最后两位数字。N 个阶乘之和的个位数和十位数。因此,如果 N = 4,则为 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! = 33。因此,个位数是 3,十位数是 3。结果将是 33。

如果我们清楚地看到,那么当 N > 5 的阶乘时,个位数为 0,因此 5 之后,它不会改变个位数。而且,在 N > 10 之后,十位数将保持为 0。对于 N = 10 及更大值,将变为 00。我们可以绘制一张从 1 到 10 的阶乘数字图表。

我们可以使用以下步骤解决此问题 -

  • 如果 n 的值小于 10,则 (1! + 2! + … + n!) mod 10
  • 否则,当 n 的值大于或等于 10 时,则 (1! + 2! + … + 10!) mod 10 = 13


using namespace std;
int getTenAndUnitPlace(long long N) {
   if (N <= 10) {
      long long ans = 0, factorial = 1;
      for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
         factorial = factorial * i;
         ans += factorial;
      return ans % 100;
   return 13;
int main() {
   for(long long i = 1; i<15; i++){
      cout << "Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = "<<i<<" is: " <<getTenAndUnitPlace(i) << endl;


Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 1 is: 1
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 2 is: 3
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 3 is: 9
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 4 is: 33
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 5 is: 53
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 6 is: 73
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 7 is: 13
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 8 is: 33
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 9 is: 13
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 10 is: 13
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 11 is: 13
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 12 is: 13
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 13 is: 13
Ten and Unit place value of sum of factorials when N = 14 is: 13

更新于:2019 年 10 月 30 日

122 次浏览


