Go 语言广度优先搜索图
图是一种数据结构,它由边或节点和顶点组成。顶点是节点之间的连线。为了遍历所有这些节点,我们有不同的遍历算法。在本文中,我们将讨论广度优先搜索,或者我们可以称之为 BFS。在广度优先搜索中,我们首先从一个节点开始,然后移动到另一个节点,直到到达死胡同。
如果我们从节点 1 开始,它将首先访问节点 2 和节点 4。然后从节点 2,我们将访问节点 3。这样,广度优先搜索遍历将是 1、2、4 和 3。
步骤 1:使用 import 关键字在顶部导入所需的包。
步骤 2:然后 main 函数将首先运行。
然后我们调用 BFS() 函数,并将图和节点作为参数。
步骤 3:在 BFS() 函数中,以下步骤将在每次函数调用时运行。
isvisited := make(map[int]bool)
创建一个 map,用于存储有关节点是否被访问的信息。
var bfsQueue Queue
isvisited[node] = true, bfsQueue.Enqueue(node)
对所有连接的节点运行 for 循环,并将其添加到队列中。
示例 1
在本例中,我们以矩阵的形式表示图,并在矩阵上应用广度优先搜索。这种方法的复杂度将为 O(e*e),其中 e 是边的数量,空间复杂度为 O(e*e),即矩阵的大小。
package main import "fmt" type Queue struct { List []int } // function to add element in queue func (q *Queue) Enqueue(element int) { q.List = append(q.List, element) } // function to delete element in the queue func (q *Queue) Dequeue() int { if q.isEmpty() { fmt.Println("Queue is empty.") return 0 } element := q.List[0] q.List = q.List[1:] return element } // function check that queue is empty or not func (q *Queue) isEmpty() bool { return len(q.List) == 0 } // BFS() is a function with matrix and int value as parameter func BFS(graph [][]int, node int) { // initializing the map that will keep // the track is the node is visited or not isvisited := make(map[int]bool) // creating a Queue variable // in which we will add an element at the same level // of that node var bfsQueue Queue // marking current node as visited isvisited[node] = true // adding a current node in the queue bfsQueue.Enqueue(node) // running a for loop until the queue becomes empty for !bfsQueue.isEmpty() { currNode := bfsQueue.List[0] fmt.Print(currNode, " ") // adding all the connected node in queue if not visted for nodes := 0; nodes < len(graph[currNode]); nodes++ { if graph[currNode][nodes] == 1 && !isvisited[nodes] { bfsQueue.Enqueue(nodes) isvisited[nodes] = true } } // removing the current node from queue // after visiting bfsQueue.Dequeue() } } func main() { // matrix representation of the undirected connected graph // where if the value is 1 the node i is connected // with node j graph := [][]int{{0, 1, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 0}} fmt.Println("Golang program to do Breath first search of an undirected connected graph represented in the form of a matrix.") // calling BFS() function for the breadth-first search // traversal of a graph BFS(graph, 0) fmt.Println() }
Golang program to do Breath first search of an undirected connected graph represented in the form of a matrix. 0 1 3 2
示例 2
在本例中,我们以邻接表的形式表示图,并相应地应用广度优先搜索。这种方法的复杂度将为 O(e*v),其中 e 是边的数量,v 是顶点的数量。空间复杂度为 O(e*v),即邻接表的大小。
package main import "fmt" type Queue struct { List []int } // function to add an element in the queue func (q *Queue) Enqueue(element int) { q.List = append(q.List, element) } // function to delete elements in the queue func (q *Queue) Dequeue() int { if q.isEmpty() { fmt.Println("Queue is empty.") return 0 } element := q.List[0] q.List = q.List[1:] return element } // function checks whether the queue is empty or not func (q *Queue) isEmpty() bool { return len(q.List) == 0 } // BFS() is a function with matrix and int value as parameter func BFS(graph [4][]int, node int) { //Initializing the map that will keep // the track is the node is visited or not isvisited := make(map[int]bool) // creating a Queue variable // in which we will add elements at the same level // of that node var bfsQueue Queue // marking current node as visited isvisited[node] = true // adding the current node in the queue bfsQueue.Enqueue(node) // running a for loop until the queue becomes empty for !bfsQueue.isEmpty() { currNode := bfsQueue.List[0] fmt.Print(currNode, " ") // adding all the connected nodes in the queue if not visited for _, nodes := range graph[currNode] { if !isvisited[nodes] { bfsQueue.Enqueue(nodes) isvisited[nodes] = true } } // removing the current node from queue // after visiting bfsQueue.Dequeue() } } func main() { //adjacency list representation of the undirected connected graph // where if the value is 1 the node i is connected // with node j var graph [4][]int // initializing each list of the array graph[0] = []int{1, 3} graph[1] = []int{0, 2} graph[2] = []int{1, 3} graph[3] = []int{0, 2} fmt.Println("Golang program to do Breath first search of an undirected connected graph represented in the form of an adjacency list.") // calling BFS() function for the breadth-first search // traversal of a graph BFS(graph, 0) fmt.Println() }
Golang program to do Breath first search of an undirected connected graph represented in the form of an adjacency list. 0 1 3 2
这两种表示图数据结构和运行广度优先搜索算法的不同方法。第二种方法,我们创建邻接表,在时间和空间上都更有效,因为我们将那些与节点连接的节点号添加到数组中。要了解更多关于 Go 语言的信息,您可以浏览这些 教程。