- GWT Highcharts 教程
- GWT Highcharts - 主页
- GWT Highcharts - 概览
- 环境设置
- 配置语法
- GWT Highcharts - 线形图
- GWT Highcharts - 面状图
- GWT Highcharts - 条形图
- GWT Highcharts - 柱状图
- GWT Highcharts - 饼状图
- GWT Highcharts - 散点图
- GWT Highcharts - 动态图表
- GWT Highcharts - 组合图
- GWT Highcharts - 3D 图表
- GWT Highcharts - 地图图表
- GWT Highcharts - 有用资源
- GWT Highcharts - 快速指南
- GWT Highcharts - 有用资源
- GWT Highcharts - 讨论
GWT Highcharts - 使用反向轴绘制样条线
我们已经在 Highcharts 配置语法 章节中了解了用于绘制此图表的配置。接下来,我们来考虑以下示例,以进一步了解使用反向轴的样条线。
将图表类型配置为基于样条线。chart.type 决定了图表中的序列类型。在此处,默认值为“line”。将轴配置为反向。如果为 true,则 x 轴为垂直轴且 y 轴为水平轴 - 如果图表中存在条形序列,则其也会被反转。在此处,默认值为 false。
chart.setType(Series.Type.SPLINE) .setInverted(true)
package com.tutorialspoint.client; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.Chart; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.Color; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.Legend; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.Series; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.ToolTip; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.ToolTipData; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.ToolTipFormatter; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.labels.AxisLabelsData; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.labels.AxisLabelsFormatter; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.labels.XAxisLabels; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.labels.YAxisLabels; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions.AreaPlotOptions; import org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions.Marker; import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel; public class HelloWorld implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Chart chart = new Chart() .setType(Series.Type.SPLINE) .setInverted(true) .setChartTitleText("Atmosphere Temperature by Altitude") .setChartSubtitleText("According to the Standard Atmosphere Model") .setLegend(new Legend() .setEnabled(false)) .setToolTip(new ToolTip() .setFormatter(new ToolTipFormatter() { @Override public String format(ToolTipData toolTipData) { return toolTipData.getXAsLong() + " km: " + toolTipData.getYAsDouble() + "°C"; } }) ) .setLegend(new Legend() .setEnabled(false) ) .setAreaPlotOptions(new AreaPlotOptions() .setFillColor(new Color() .setLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1) .addColorStop(0, 69, 114, 167) .addColorStop(1, 2, 0, 0, 0) ) .setMarker(new Marker() .setEnabled(false) .setHoverState(new Marker() .setEnabled(true) .setRadius(5) ) ) .setShadow(false) .setHoverStateLineWidth(1) ); chart.getXAxis() .setReversed(false) .setAxisTitleText("Altitude") .setMaxPadding(0.05) .setShowLastLabel(true) .setLabels(new XAxisLabels() .setFormatter(new AxisLabelsFormatter() { @Override public String format(AxisLabelsData axisLabelsData) { return axisLabelsData.getValueAsLong() + "km"; } }) ); chart.getYAxis() .setAxisTitleText("Temperature") .setLineWidth(2) .setLabels(new YAxisLabels() .setFormatter(new AxisLabelsFormatter() { @Override public String format(AxisLabelsData axisLabelsData) { return axisLabelsData.getValueAsLong() + "°"; } }) ); chart.addSeries(chart.createSeries() .setName("Temperature") .setPoints(new Number[][]{ {0, 15}, {10, -50}, {20, -56.5}, {30, -46.5}, {40, -22.1}, {50, -2.5}, {60, -27.7}, {70, -55.7}, {80, -76.5} }) ); RootPanel.get().add(chart); } }