如何在 Python 中创建用于分类的模拟数据

在本教程中,我们将学习如何在 Python 中创建用于分类的模拟数据。






  • 主要体现数据可能存在的真实形式

  • 包含较少的噪声变化,因此可以被认为是理想的数据集

  • 适用于快速原型设计和概念验证

使用 Python 生成用于分类的模拟数据

在本演示中,我们将使用 sci-ki learn 生成模拟数据。


from sklearn.datasets import make_classification import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns # Creating a simulated feature matrix and output vector with 100 samples features, output = make_classification(n_samples = 100, # taking ten features n_features = 10, # five features that predict the output's classes n_informative = 5, # five features that are random and unrelated to the output's classes n_redundant = 5, # three output classes n_classes = 3, # with 20% of observations in the first class, 30% in the second class, # and 50% in the third class. ('None' makes balanced classes) weights = [.2, .3, .8]) print("Feature Dataframe: "); df_features = pd.DataFrame(features, columns=["Feature 1", "Feature 2","Feature 3", "Feature 4", "Feature 5","Feature 6", "Feature 7", "Feature 8", "Feature 9", "Feature 10"]) output_series = pd.Series(output,name='label') df = pd.concat([df_features,output_series],axis=1) print(df.head()) ## plot using seaborn sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize":(16, 8)}) ## Plotting 'Feature 1' vs label sns.scatterplot(data=df,x='Feature 1',y='label',s=50)


Feature Dataframe: 
   Feature 1    Feature 2    Feature 3    Feature 4    Feature 5    Feature 6 \
0  0.849715     -0.381343    0.650106     -1.439747    -0.442026    0.785891 
1  1.841786     0.912779     2.090686     -2.220130    -0.744132    -0.116817 
2  -0.915034    -3.324696    -2.613417    0.852612     -3.908363    4.352266 
3  1.305116     -1.582905    -0.797318    -0.943912    -1.753893    1.721998 
4  0.894486     -0.130399    -0.968311    0.989773     -0.987330    -0.296457
   Feature 7    Feature 8    Feature 9    Feature 10 label 
0  0.119725     1.156633     0.794226     0.511587   2 
1  -0.064624    2.311732     0.178347     1.294978   1 
2  3.038898     -2.273558    4.194868     2.693096   2
3  0.817046     0.577196     2.651006     1.826657   2 
4 -0.280331     0.096983     1.227921     0.909471   2

另一种方法是使用 Faker Python 库。让我们通过以下示例了解一下。安装 Faker 库


!pip install Faker from random import randint import pandas as pd from faker import Faker from faker.providers import DynamicProvider medical_professions_provider = DynamicProvider( provider_name="medical_profession", elements=["dr.", "doctor", "nurse", "surgeon", "clerk"], ) fake = Faker() fake.add_provider(medical_professions_provider) def input_data(x): # pandas dataframe data = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(0, x): data.loc[i,'id']= randint(1, 100) data.loc[i,'name']= fake.name() data.loc[i,'address']= fake.address() data.loc[i,'latitude']= str(fake.latitude()) data.loc[i,'longitude']= str(fake.longitude()) data.loc[i,'target'] = str(fake.medical_profession()) return data print(input_data(10))


id	name	address	\
	7.0	Monique Rodriguez	481 Rebecca Landing Suite 727\nDominiquefurt, ...
	4.0	Elizabeth Johnson	62492 Zimmerman Crest Apt. 047\nPort Jerome, W...
	18.0	Max Rangel	4379 Obrien Curve\nDavistown, IA 02341
	31.0	Tammie Kent	4866 Angela Turnpike Apt. 658\nNorth Sheilabor...
	42.0	James Johnston	26827 Jeremiah Alley\nFreystad, SC 86902
	21.0	Shawn Robles	137 Jessica Ridges Apt. 436\nWilliamburgh, AZ ...
	13.0	Stephen Hodges	Unit 9799 Box 0625\nDPO AA 94415
	91.0	Eric Lewis PhD	4711 Nicholas Loaf\nWest Lisa, UT 28944
	68.0	Matthew Munoz	37836 White Crest\nGonzalezport, NC 75320
	34.0	Lawrence Anderson	76712 Garza Mills Apt. 751\nPort Penny, CT 43042

latitude		longitude	target 0	60.574796	109.367770		clerk
1	84.7225155	-167.216393	dr.
2	82.598649	62.961322	surgeon
3	26.9617205	89.333171	doctor
4	-37.1740195	-140.766121	dr.
5	-40.8904645	28.820918	clerk
6	88.809220	76.442779	dr.
7	35.728143	178.729120	doctor
8	-16.5669945	126.686740	dr.
9	-49.271970	160.737754	clerk


模拟数据在日常机器学习应用程序中非常有用,可用于原型设计或小型概念验证。Python 中有一些方便的工具,可以使在几行代码内创建模拟数据变得非常简单。

更新于: 2022-12-01

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