如何在 iOS 中从 Swift ping 外部主机?
有时您可能需要 Ping 外部网站,并在对网站进行任何处理或发送请求之前检查它是否正在运行。
步骤 1 − 打开 Xcode → 新建项目 → 单视图应用程序 → 给它命名为“PingMe”
步骤 2 − 打开 ViewController.swift 并添加 checkIsConnectedToNetwork() 函数,然后添加以下代码。
func checkIsConnectedToNetwork() { let hostUrl: String = "https://google.com" if let url = URL(string: hostUrl) { var request = URLRequest(url: url) request.httpMethod = "HEAD" URLSession(configuration: .default) .dataTask(with: request) { (_, response, error) -> Void in guard error == nil else { print("Error:", error ?? "") return } guard (response as? HTTPURLResponse)? .statusCode == 200 else { print("The host is down") return } print("The host is up and running") } .resume() } }
步骤 3 − 现在从 viewDidLoad 方法调用此函数。
import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. self.checkIsConnectedToNetwork() } func checkIsConnectedToNetwork() { let hostUrl: String = "https://google.com" if let url = URL(string: hostUrl) { var request = URLRequest(url: url) request.httpMethod = "HEAD" URLSession(configuration: .default) .dataTask(with: request) { (_, response, error) -> Void in guard error == nil else { print("Error:", error ?? "") return } guard (response as? HTTPURLResponse)? .statusCode == 200 else { print("The host is down") return } print("The host is up and running") } .resume() } } }
运行上述代码时,您可以看到控制台中打印着 (“该主机正在运行”)。
此外,您还可以在 UI 上创建一个按钮,并单击该按钮来发送请求,还可以打印在文本字段中。