一个著名的印度游戏节目,叫做百万富翁 (Kaun Banega Crorepati, KBC),是根据国际游戏节目“谁想成为百万富翁”改编的。在这篇文章中,我们将了解如何使用Python编程语言来制作一个简化的KBC游戏版本。
变量 −
question - Stores the question text. options - A list that contains multiple-choice options. answer - Stores the index of the correct answer.
用户输入 −
input() - Reads user input from the console.
条件语句 −
if - Checks a condition and executes a block of code if the condition is true. else - Executes a block of code if the preceding if statement condition is false.
循环 −
for loop - Iterates over a sequence of elements. while loop - Repeats a block of code until a condition is met.
用户输入 − 我们使用`input()`函数从控制台读取用户输入。然后,玩家可以通过输入相应的选项编号来选择他们的答案。
条件语句 − 为了比较用户的答案和正确答案,我们使用`if`和`else`之类的条件语句。如果用户的答案正确,则用户获得奖金。否则,游戏结束。
步骤1 − 设置初始奖金金额。
步骤2 − 创建一个包含问题、选项和正确答案的列表。
步骤3 − 遍历问题列表。
步骤4 − 显示所有问题和答案。
步骤5 − 获取用户答案。
步骤6 − 检查用户答案是否与正确答案匹配。
步骤7 − 根据需要调整奖金金额。
步骤8 − 如果用户答案错误,游戏结束。
步骤9 − 重复步骤3,直到所有问题都已解答或游戏结束。
步骤10 − 显示玩家最终获得的奖金金额。
方法1 − 使用`for`循环。
方法2 − 使用`while`循环
# Importing the random module to shuffle questions import random # Set the initial amount of prize money prize_money = 0 # Create a list of questions with options and answers questions = [{ "question": "What is the capital of India?", "options": ["1. Delhi", "2. Mumbai", "3. Kolkata", "4. Chennai"], "answer": 1 },{ "question": "Which planet is known as the Red Planet?", "options": ["1. Jupiter", "2. Venus", "3. Mars", "4. Saturn"], "answer": 3 },{ "question": "Who painted the Mona Lisa?", "options": ["1. Vincent van Gogh", "2. Pablo Picasso", "3. Leonardo da Vinci", "4. Claude Monet"], "answer": 3 }] # Shuffle the questions random.shuffle(questions) # Iterate over the questions using a for loop for question in questions: # Display the question and options print(question["question"]) for option in question["options"]: print(option) # Read the user's answer user_answer = int(input("Enter your answer (option number): ")) # Check if the user's answer is correct if user_answer == question["answer"]: print("Correct answer!") prize_money += 1000 else: print("Wrong answer!") break # End the game if the answer is incorrect # Display the final prize money earned by the player print("Prize Money:", prize_money)
What is the capital of India? 1. Delhi 2. Mumbai 3. Kolkata 4. Chennai Enter your answer (option number): 1 Correct answer! Which planet is known as the Red Planet? 1. Jupiter 2. Venus 3. Mars 4. Saturn Enter your answer (option number): 2 Wrong answer! Prize Money: 1000
# Set the initial amount of prize money prize_money = 0 # Create a list of questions with options and answers questions = [{ "question": "What is the capital of India?", "options": ["1. Delhi", "2. Mumbai", "3. Kolkata", "4. Chennai"], "answer": 1 },{ "question": "Which planet is known as the Red Planet?", "options": ["1. Jupiter", "2. Venus", "3. Mars", "4. Saturn"], "answer": 3 },{ "question": "Who painted the Mona Lisa?", "options": ["1. Vincent van Gogh", "2. Pablo Picasso", "3. Leonardo da Vinci", "4. Claude Monet"], "answer": 3 }] # Set the initial question index question_index = 0 # Set the initial game status game_over = False # Game loop while not game_over: # Get the current question question = questions[question_index] # Display the question and options print(question["question"]) for option in question["options"]: print(option) # Read the user's answer user_answer = int(input("Enter your answer (option number): ")) # Check if the user's answer is correct if user_answer == question["answer"]: print("Correct answer!") prize_money += 1000 else: print("Wrong answer!") game_over = True # End the game if the answer is incorrect # Move to the next question question_index += 1 # Check if all questions have been answered if question_index == len(questions): game_over = True # Display the final prize money earned by the player print("Prize Money:", prize_money)
What is the capital of India? 1. Delhi 2. Mumbai 3. Kolkata 4. Chennai Enter your answer (option number):1 Correct answer! Which planet is known as the Red Planet? 1. Jupiter 2. Venus 3. Mars 4. Saturn Enter your answer (option number): 3 Correct answer! Who painted the Mona Lisa? 1.Vincent van Gogh 2. Pablo Picasso 3. Leonardo da Vinci 4. Claude Monet Correct answer! Prize Money: 3000